Sustainability knowledge for covid-19 risks management, By Prince Lekan Fadina


I will like to thank the organizers of this webinar on “Environmental and Sustainability Agenda for Post COVID-19 Risk Management”.

We are in an unusual situation which has been described in many ways:

“COVID-19 is creating a global crisis we have not seen during our lifetime. We now have an Epidemologists helping us with Macro-economic projections”. Kristalina Georgieia – MD International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Corona Virus Has Challenge Us To Acquire Skills On How To Manage Risks And Meet The Challenges Of A Changing Environment: Webinar Dialogue: Global Knowledge on COVID-19 and Beyond.

The new normal threatens our business and our existence on account of the COVID-19 PANDEMIC. We must put systems in place to ensure the well-being and smooth running of all our facilities.

Chief Executive Landmark Africa

We have had to strategise, retool and refocus in the global environment where coronavirus has taught all of us lessons that the world needs change and we cannot continue with the “business as usual”

Prince Lekan Fadina – Chief Executive Officer Knowledge Hub Nigeria

Corona Virus has thrown up opportunities that were previously unimagined and raised leadership and knowledge needs for governments, organizations and society.

Brookling Centre, Washington U.S.A.

Knowledge, Technology and Digitalization are changing the entire ecosystem. The integration of these into business, investment, organization structure, future of work and work of the future is key to meeting the challenges and opportunities of today and tomorrow.

Africa Webinar Series: Africa Research Centre, Harvard Business School, June 2020

The COVID-19 has introduced a new world order, the Corona Virus which is a health issue has a lot of implications-economy, food, social life and humanity at large. We have to address the disruption in all sectors of human endeavours health, finance, governance, environment, climate change, ecosystems, agriculture and sustainable livelihood.

The African Continental Free Trade has created market for over 1.3 billion people. It provides the platform for trade, professional services, industrial production among others. Nigeria cannot afford to be on-lookers to the changing dynamic and paradigm shift.

We must build the capacity of our institutions and human capital to be the front runners in the knowledge economy and knowledge society. The COVID-19 has introduced new vocabularies into the commercial, social and diplomatic transactions. Our people must have the knowledge to be key players in this continental arena.


Risk is as inescapable as it is ubiquitous. We must understand the risk and the challenges and how to turn its careful management to our advantage. Managing risk is not just about avoiding trouble but it can also bring significant rewards.

We must develop a risk culture by formalizing the risk management process, learning from success and failure and understanding that risk management is closely linked to innovation and vital for the long-term survival of the organization.

We must appreciate various risks we have to face:

Strategic – concern with the wider aspects of the business activities – Management, labour, market, scenario, competition, product, consumer, operational

Financial – Foreign exchange; * Exchange control    * Programme and Project      
* Talent       * Political       * Environmental      * Regulatory      * Sovereign       
* Social            * Brand               * Reputational            * Health          * Technological       * Food Security

Environmental risk is fast becoming a major concern to all. The impact of human activity on the world climate as well as local ecosystem is increasingly worrying and organizations can no longer ignore this.

  • The Corona virus has introduced a discussion in development matters and social consciousness, community involvement, education, awareness, information gathering and transmission are now part of our life. In this regard it has broaden the concept of sustainability in what we do. We must now integrate environmental, social and economic considerations into decision making process, to avoid, minimize and off set negative impacts.

The COVID-19 and the rapid changes in the world show that the future work and the work of the future, with the various risks, belong to those who can maximize and adapt to knowledge, technology and innovation.

WHERE WE ARE AND THE WAY FORWARD: The Role of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is an integrated systematic approach to identifying, acquiring, transforming, developing, disseminating, using, sharing and preserving knowledge relevant to achieving specific objectives – (Source IAEA KM Glossary)

  • Today’s environment and market place present very complex and changing landscape. There is tremendous need for knowledge and information on how to stay on the cutting edge and how to employ the best technologies and management practices. There is need to build the skills and knowledge of our people to ensure proper utilization of resources and “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future”
  • It is projected that by 2030 over half of Nigeria and possibly Africa population will be between 18 – 40 years, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is with us and the challenge of it, is complicated by the Post-COVID-19
  • Nigeria has to be fully prepared and to be key player in the ecosystem in Africa and the world. Available evidence shows that knowledge can improve efficiency, increase productivity, improve energy supply, help create smart cities, allow faster and better processing, communication and data technology in order to raise productivity and enhance standard of living (case study Vienna as Knowledge City of the world).


Knowledge Hub Nigeria Ltd/Gte is the Nigerian partner of Knowledge City, Vienna, Austria. It is also hosting the activities of Knowledge for Development Partnership, an International Organization with headquarters in Vienna, Austria with the objective to create global Agenda Knowledge for Development.

It is a relationship that provides a platform for International and global exchanges matching-experience of knowledge providers with those in need, contributing to the advancement of opportunities for government, business and society in various areas including human capital development, skill development, entrepreneurship, knowledge acquisition, research, inclusive growth and sustainable development.

Knowledge Hub is a knowledge services provider, knowledge Brokers and facilitators with global networks.

We are pioneers in providing innovative knowledge and business solutions that help build and scale profitable enterprises and efficient institutions dedicated to social, economic and environmental change.  Our unique position in the intersection of social and commercial business setting allows us to attract and nurture knowledge capital that combines the business training world with the passion and commitment of the social world to shape distinctive solutions. Knowledge, science technology and innovation are major tools for the diversification of Nigerian economy from commodity based to knowledge and technology based.


A group of Nigerians locally and internationally and friends of Nigeria has established knowledge for development Initiative under the Nigerian law and affiliated to the global knowledge for Development Partnership committed to inclusive strengthen United Nations knowledge based growth to United Nations Agenda 2030, sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Knowledge Development Goals and various Nigeria Development Plans and implementations. It sets out to achieve intensive growth with people at the centre of development

The Global Knowledge for Development Partnership has given a reference at the United nations. It is globally recognized by the UN and its agency.

The Association has a membership of high local and international recognition accomplished individuals and organizations in various sphere of human endeavours.

Our goal is to propel Nigeria into a knowledge society and knowledge centre of Africa.

Our mission is empowering and enhancing sustainable livelihood of people and we believe that Africa’s vast knowledge demands and utilization are critical to the continent’s long-term infrastructure, economic empowerment and sustainable development. Our Diasporas constitute a huge knowledge capital and we must court them.

We partner with various experts and with combined experience, we provide unique opportunity to bridge knowledge gap and expand operations. The COVID-19 expects us to collaborate share knowledge, use our network globally and locally to add value to the benefit of humanity. It is an urgent call to us to use knowledge as an instrument of social, economic and environmental change.


Development requires knowledge skills, expertise and experience of people.

There is dearth of adequately skilled professionals in the management of knowledge society. The knowledge specialists are professionals who know the nature of knowledge demand in a rapidly changing environment.

Knowledge and skills gaps are identified to be a major instrument to counter unemployment and social dislocation. The combined unemployment and undevelopment rate of 43:3 (National Bureau of Statistics in Nigeria calls for action.

The rate has increased since COVID-19 and it will be worse. However Nigeria could become a major economic centre with knowledge capital as one of the major tools of development

The Knowledge Management and Research Institute (KMRI) an off shoot of Knowledge Hub Nigeria with affiliation and partnership with knowledge Management Academy of Vienna, Austria. It is setup to address the skills shortage in the workforce in a knowledge, technology and digital age.

It will work with a wide range of experts and stake holders in a knowledge partnership and build global linkages with other knowledge cities around the world.

Today the need for globally mobile workforce has never been greater because of the new order and the KMRI provides a platform for bridging the gap in knowledge, technology and digital age.

 The future is bright but we must all invest in the Knowledge capital to ensure we achieve it.


The first African Knowledge for Development Partnership conference held in Nairobi, Kenya in September 2019 brought together from all parts of the world knowledge specialists, international organizations and practitioners, knowledge societies, United Nations, African Union and other development partners committed to advancing knowledge management and knowledge societies in Africa. It provided the platform for creating awareness on how knowledge impacts all development activities, how knowledge can be managed within multi sectional, multi stakeholder community and to create ideas and solutions to urgent and anticipated challenges.


We have series of Webinar Programmes on “Catalyzing investment and sustainable Development through, Knowledge capital”. The Series focus on exploring knowledge Agenda in a world where knowledge is one of the tools for solving COVID-19 and other global issues.

The aim is to encourage conversation among various segments to address the challenges and opportunities in COVID-19 and beyond in a rapid transition.

In the first programme we had a successful programme on knowledge economy in a rapid transition. We have other programmes that will look at various development issues. Our next programme is Public, Private, Labour and society contributions to sustainable development of Nigeria. We plan a follow-up activities. We are doing it in collaboration with UNDP, Ministry of Environment, Department of Climate change, Nigerian Environment Society and Knowledge Hub Nigeria.

Our experience has taught us that collaboration, partnership and advocacy are the ingredients for achieving peace, growth and development. The COVID-19 is a good case study with various roles by various groups in Nigeria and globally contributing to save humanity. This is our goal and we are open to partner with organizations who share our goal.

Being the text of Presentation by  Prince Lekan Fadina, Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Knowledge Hub Nigeria at the Webinar “Environmental and Sustainability Agenda for Post COVID-19 Risk Management” Lagos, 8th June, 2020. He can be reached by email:

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