At Christmas: Exulting God is Exulting Jesus Christ, By Isaac Megbolugbe


December 23, 2024

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this Christmas season, we are reminded of the profound significance of Jesus Christ in our lives. The festive season is a time for joy, giving, and reflection on the love of God. In this article, we will explore how exulting in God is, in fact, exulting in Jesus Christ, and how this experience is made possible through the Holy Spirit.

Exulting God in Jesus Christ
As we celebrate Christmas, we are reminded of the profound significance of Jesus Christ in our lives. The festive season is a time for joy, giving, and reflection on the love of God. In this article, we will explore how exulting in God is, in fact, exulting in Jesus Christ, and how this experience is made possible through the Holy Spirit.
To exult in God means to rejoice and glory in His presence, character, and works. However, our understanding of God is not abstract or vague. Instead, it is rooted in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the exact representation of God’s being (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus Christ is the portrait of God, revealing His love, mercy, and grace.
As we gaze upon the portrait of Jesus Christ, we see the fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem humanity. We see the love of God poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). This experience of God’s love is not merely emotional or intellectual; it is a spiritual reality that transforms our lives.

The Historical Reality of God’s Love
The love of God is not a vague concept; it is rooted in the historical reality of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. As Romans 5:6 says, “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.” This verse reminds us that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice was not merely an act of kindness; it was a demonstration of God’s love for us, even when we were still sinners.
As we ponder the historical reality of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, we are reminded of the depth of God’s love for us. This love is not based on our merits or achievements; it is based on God’s sovereign choice to redeem us through Jesus Christ.

Exulting in God through Jesus Christ
So, what does it mean to exult in God through Jesus Christ? It means that we rejoice and glory in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the portrait of God’s love and redemption. It means that we recognize Jesus Christ as the mediator of God’s love, who pours out His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
As Romans 5:11 says, “We also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.” This verse reminds us that Jesus Christ is not only the one who purchased our reconciliation; He is also the one who enables us to receive that reconciliation. And ultimately, Jesus Christ is the indescribable gift of God, who stirs up all our exultation in God.
As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that exulting in God is exulting in Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice and glory in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the portrait of God’s love and redemption. May our hearts be filled with the love of God, poured out in us by the Holy Spirit, as we exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Role of Jesus Christ in Exulting God
According to the article, Jesus Christ plays a crucial role in exulting God in the following ways:

  1. Portrait of God: Jesus Christ is the exact representation of God’s being, revealing His love, mercy, and grace.
  2. Mediator of God’s Love: Jesus Christ mediates God’s love to us, pouring out His love in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
  3. Purchaser of Reconciliation: Jesus Christ purchased our reconciliation with God through His death and resurrection.
  4. Enabler of Reconciliation: Jesus Christ enables us to receive reconciliation with God.
  5. Indescribable Gift: Jesus Christ is the indescribable gift of God, stirring up all our exultation in God.
    In summary, Jesus Christ is the central figure in exulting God, as He reveals God’s character, mediates His love, and enables our reconciliation with Him.

How Jesus Christ Reveals God
According to the Bible and Christian theology, Jesus Christ reveals God in several ways:

  1. Exact Representation: Jesus Christ is the exact representation of God’s being (Hebrews 1:3), showing us what God is like.
  2. Incarnation: Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God, meaning God took on human flesh (John 1:14). This reveals God’s love and desire to relate to humanity.
  3. Teachings and Miracles: Jesus’ teachings and miracles demonstrate God’s character, such as His love, compassion, and power (Matthew 4:23-25).
  4. Death and Resurrection: Jesus’ death and resurrection reveal God’s plan for salvation and His desire to redeem humanity (Romans 5:8).
  5. Divine Attributes: Jesus displays divine attributes like omniscience (Matthew 9:4), omnipotence (Matthew 8:26-27), and omnipresence (Matthew 18:20), showing that He is fully God.
  6. God’s Love and Grace: Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection demonstrate God’s love and grace, revealing His heart towards humanity (John 3:16).
    By revealing God in these ways, Jesus Christ provides a clear understanding of God’s character, nature, and plan for humanity.

How Jesus Reveals God’s Love
Jesus reveals God’s love in several ways:
Through His Teachings

  1. The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32): Jesus teaches about God’s love for the lost and the forgiving nature of God.
  2. The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40): Jesus emphasizes the importance of loving God and loving others, demonstrating God’s love for humanity.
    Through His Miracles
  3. Healing the Sick (Matthew 9:35): Jesus’ healings demonstrate God’s compassion and care for the physical and emotional needs of people.
  4. Feeding the Hungry (Matthew 14:13-21): Jesus’ miracles of feeding the hungry show God’s provision and love for those in need.
    Through His Death and Resurrection
  5. Dying for Sinners (Romans 5:8): Jesus’ death on the cross demonstrates God’s love for sinners, who were separated from Him.
  6. Resurrecting to New Life (1 Corinthians 15:55-57): Jesus’ resurrection offers hope and new life, revealing God’s love and power to overcome death and sin.
    Through His Relationships
  7. Love for His Disciples (John 13:1): Jesus demonstrates God’s love by loving and serving His disciples, even to the point of giving His life for them.
  8. Compassion for the Marginalized (Matthew 9:10-13): Jesus shows God’s love by associating with and caring for those marginalized by society, such as tax collectors and sinners.
    By revealing God’s love through His teachings, miracles, death, resurrection, and relationships, Jesus demonstrates the depth and breadth of God’s love for humanity.

Concluding Remarks
In conclusion, exulting in God is exulting in Jesus Christ, who is the exact representation of God’s being, revealing His love, mercy, and grace. As we celebrate Christmas, let us rejoice and glory in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the portrait of God’s love and redemption. May our hearts be filled with the love of God, poured out in us by the Holy Spirit, as we exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. May the truth of Jesus Christ being the manifestation of God’s enduring Word guide us in our walk with God, and may we remain steadfast in our commitment to God’s unchanging truth.

Isaac Megbolugbe, Director of GIVA Ministries International, 2024 Marquis Organization’s Class of Top Executives in the United States of America and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. He is resident in the United States of America.

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