To W. S ,By Eddy Aghanenu


LEADERSHIP 600This piece is written in honour of The Leadership four held by the Nigerian State. Freedom of the press is under siege. We are back to Decree 4 era.

To   W. S

Wole Soyinka

The son of Ogun

The man that spits fire like Shango

The palm wine lover

The wordsmith

The man who dances in the evil forests

And comes out victorious

The jewel of the forest of books

The lion who never keeps mute in the face of tyranny

I salute you.

Wole Soyinka

The man who has crossed the seven seas to dare the tyrant

The man that held the gong captive

That we may be free.

The man died

Cos we are in silence of fears

We will never die

We have been pushed to wall

React, we must.

How long shall we be held hostage and in bondage

In our freedom of fear?

How long shall the land be raped

By our liberators in agbada?

How long shall the thief be boastful

Of having stolen our crops?

How long shall our children

Continue to be servants to thieves?

How long shall our land live in darkness?

Occasioned by nocturnal men in power?

How long shall evil triumph over good

In our land.

Despair we will not

For W. S has shown how

To confront the monster.

We will survive

We will re claim


We will possess

Our lost land

We will clear the land of thieves


Our numbers shall speak for us

Our numbers shall stop the usurper of our votes.


Our voices must die

Our resolve must not be shaken

Freedom we desire


Prosperity for our land we seek

Justice is all we ask for.

These we will get

Cos the abiku of maladministration

Must come to an end.


Our cries have woken those gone before us

They are restless and angry

At a brother’s inhumanity to his brother

And have vowed

That come 2015 and beyond

Restoration of our land must take place.

Wole Soyinka

The trail blazer

Today, we honour you

For showing the way

Unbowed by the power of evil.

In your life time

Victory is sure.

By Eddy Aghanenu


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