Nigeria: The Only Global Space And Identity Of The Blackman ,By Sani Aliyu


nigeria-borno-adamawaNigeria is my stronghold as a Blackman, in her is assured of my global space and identity, without which my hopes and future are dashed. Oh! Beautiful Nigerians save our mother nation, Nigeria, from any harm. Stop hurting her by killing her children.
You who have plagued Nigeria with corruption, nepotism, ethnic bigotry and short sightedness, look outside her and you will see how Africa relies on her. As a mother she pacifies and installs peace; ensures freedom, supports weaker nations to become socially and economically strong. With her there is hope for a truly independent Africa.

Oh! Beautiful Nigerians, drain not her resources for selfish interest. Stop! Wait! And think out of the box! Lives depend on these resources. Belly not the future and hopes of many today, but build a stable and virile tomorrow.

To you the corrupt politician, public or civil servants, and corporate entities, of what use do you embezzle what in your lifetime you don’t have need for? Has avarice become your god? Know you not that avarice is a false god, an idol that saves not? Is it in our color or in our blood to obliterate the common wealth?

Nay, Black is not synonymous with evil or a curse, for in the wisdom of the Creator of the world, black is beauty and a tranquil rest for dawn. Nigerians Awake! From our slumber let’s together make the universe a place worthy to live and Africa a place of peace and security, a virgin land of opportunities and humility, love of God and of mankind.

Oh! My kind hearted Nigerians what evil has befallen us? Violence we always abhorred, the peacemaker’s culture our worthy value, for which Africa celebrates and the world acknowledges, why then do we allow negative interpolation amidst our liberality?

On my honour as Nigerian, with realism of love and expectation of my service to my beloved nation, and in my God’s given position as a pacesetter, I declare my humble self that I will defend my nation Nigeria from any adversity, and I shall remain committed to its unity, for Blackman must retain its global space and identity Nigeria.

Our souls as Nigerians is attached and consumed by the Godliness in us, passionately compassionate people that we are, the strength of God’s love in us overwhelmed religion, it doesn’t matter our ways of worship but the ecstatic joy we derived from the mention of God the almighty is our strong bond, our trust in God in Nigeria is beyond mere inscription or lip service but buried in our hearts, souls and minds. As we turn and return to God in love for each other, peace, progress and prosperity remains with us
The journey of life leaves no time, because we are born to die, in between is a privilege to live, either in service of God and humanity or of Satan and evil, which recompense either way is sure at death. For our match to the grave spared no man, accountable we stand before our Creator, the wise is one who leaves a good name, so be wise and stop the evil! Kill not and save humanity, oh!! Compassionate Nigerians!!!

Sani Aliyu is Country Director, Rights & Democracy Volunteers and wrote from 18B Lobito Cresent, Wuse 2, Abuja

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