George Moghalu : The Last Hope of Anambra State, By Prince Mike Obi Okwuchi


George is a gentleman and a consummate politician…He wears both seemingly conflicting attributes evenly.

I have known George from ground zero and can say without equivocation that he is one of the few politicians that I know who does not double speak, as politicians are wont to; and politics or not, loyal to his friendships. Of course, like most politicians, he is apt to make promises he can’t keep; indeed has been known to. Sometimes we have argued, but he will maintain that “a promise is a debt” and that he “hasn’t got  executive powers yet”

On an individual level, his mantra is that “friendship that does not inconvenience you, is not worth the name”. George and I have over the years reviewed and contended his politics and his bid for executive power, in Anambra State. Interestingly, his best and perhaps for me, most profound response has been, “Mike, the only way you can effectively influence societal change in our society is to give history a push and in the right direction and to do this, you must have real power”. This brings me to statecraft as outlined by George.

George’s erudition and common sense upbringing informs a formidable and dauntless political character, and strength that is what Anambra if not anywhere else need right now. In this politically evolving volatile times, he has shown over the years, loyalty to his Party, consistency to his political beliefs, commitment to his core friends, community and political agenda, as reflected in his Manifesto. I urge everyone to read it.

The question might be asked, “why George?” For Anambra State, especially against the backdrop of the current Governor’s seemingly competence ego his predecessor? My answer would be statecraft and philosophical variances! Permit me to amplify.

The classical view of State is that it exists to provide such a condition as to enable the individual to be the best he can be. Government is the instrument of State for achieving this and as such must see itself as a facilitator or a referee coordinating the various activities within a society to impact both relevant development and progress. Naturally, there are a lot of implicit vectors in play in this overview, but suffice it to say that George sees a lot of potentials in demystifying government!

He has the conviction that government is not just about building landmark structures and monuments. In fact, the more fundamental essence of government (albeit governance) is the capacity to build those invisible threads and structures of socio-economic behaviour so trends that ultimately compel the society politically towards a socio-political self actualization, rather than waiting for government handouts and or contracts.

In this regard, security to life and property; protection and enforcement of basic freedom and rights; as well as absence of pernicious taxations and levies, will do more to realize society’s  potentials, than the best build roads and bridges to nowhere! Basically, if you have enabling conditions, the physical structures will evolve, as is matter of course. For instance, if you have a Police Force at both Federal and State levels, that is responsible for society protection, instead of being obstructive and oppressive, the society will be better able to respond to the triggers for socio-cultural revolution. Indeed, George remains the last hope to deliver the state


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