ECOWAS Speaker laments non-compliance of Community Court’s rulings


 Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Sidie Tunis has expressed concerns over the non-compliance of the rulings of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice by Member States.

Tunis expressed concerns of the non-compliance of the ECOWAS Court’s rulings during the delocalised meeting of the ECOWAS Parliament in Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivorie.

He however urged Member States to obey and enforce the rulings of the Community Court in line with the mandates for which it was established.

”Permit me to use this medium to start up an issue that has been of major concern within the Community.

“Here, I wish to refer to the continuous non-compliance with the rulings of the Community Court of Justice by Member States and other major actors within the region.

“Respect for the Rule of Law, of which total compliance with court judgments is an integral part, is a major symbol of democracy.

“It is a major pillar of measuring how matured a Community’s democracy is. Courts are the last hope of the common man on the streets.

“ECOWAS cannot afford to establish a Community Court after having adopted all legal instruments to that effect, only for its Member States to continue disrespecting its judgments with impunity.

“I believe we are a more serious people and can do much better than that.

“I call on all Attorney Generals in all Member States, to as a matter of grave concern, not only to our people, but to the International Community, urgently organise a special meeting to address this ugly trend.

”All Laws must be obeyed and all court rulings must be adhered to. Failure to do so has the propensity to drift any society into anarchy”, Tunis said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports thy delocalised meeting holding from Aug. 10 to Aug. 14 was led by the Parliament’s Joint Committees on Energy and Mines,Industry and private Sector, Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources and Infrastructure.

The meeting aims at addressing the electricity challenges confronting the sub-region. (NAN) 

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