The True Significance Of Eidul-Adha,By Waheed Suleyman Waheed


Eidul-Adha is celebration of life. Where all Muslims in nook and corner of the universe slaughter rams and rejoice with their families and well wishers, for the remembrance of the trial of prophet Ibrahim and Ismail his Son (A.S).
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)and his wife Serah, We learnt from the two scriptures (the Holy Quran and the Bible), that they lived in the desert for many years without having a child . On the advice of Sarah, Ibrahim got married to Hajarah and he prayed to Allah for a righteous Son. He promised that he would not mind to sacrifice the Son to Allah if necessary (Q37:99) Allah granted his request and he eventually had Ismail (A.S). Prophet Ibrahim at his 80S then, was over whelmed with joy at the birth of Ismail. The trial came when the boy has grown up to years of discretion. Ibrahim (A.S) had a dream, where it was revealed to him that he should sacrifice his lovely Son as fulfillment of his pledge to Allah. This he related to his son and Hajarah his wife, and they both gave their nod to it.
Perhaps, Ibrahim (A.S)was full of sorrow, but he took courage as he is left with no option rather than to obey Allah’s command . Ismail and his father arrived at the valley of Minna where the sacrifice was to take place. Ismail (A.S) had been laid ready to be slaughtered by his aged father as fulfillment of his pledge and sign of obedient and total submission to the will of Allah there, Ibrahim heard a voice telling him that Allah has seen his intention and has equally confirmed the quality of his faith, therefore, he was given a big ram in place of his son. The duo returned home joyously for the mercy and kindness Allah has shown to them. In remembrance of this occasion, Muslims in the whole world sacrifice animals in the second day of Arafat which is known as Eidul – Adha.
Eidul – Adha is beyong mere sacrifice of animals. It denotes freedom to live. Allah, the creator and the sustainer of the universe, detests shedding the blood of innocent soul. This is an important lesson from Eidul – Adha for every Muslim in the world. If Allah has forbidden Ibrahim (A.S) from slaughtering his own son, how much more an innocent man who is a beautiful handiwork of Allah, the fashioner. Allah says: If any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land; it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people (Q5 vs 32). Shedding innocent blood is un Islamic and we must frown at it. I am calling on Muslim in the whole world to strive to save life in accordance with what Eidul – Adha denotes. It is obvious today that living in some Muslim community which should be haven of peace, is living like a cat with nine lives.
We are supposed to be peace keeper and our brother keepers as well. Why Muslim killing Muslim and other innocent citizens? It is disgusting and totally against the teaching of Islam. There is no compulsion in religion; Muslims are enjoined to invite others to Islam through wisdom and beautiful teaching (Q16:123). Muslims as peace loving people, must tolerate what others say or do, except when it involves committing crime.
Allah says: and make not your own hand contribute to destruction; but do good for Allah Loves those who do good (Q2:195). Every true Muslim should understand that it is an open denial of the significance of Eidul – Adha and the teaching of the Holy Quran; if after sacrificing animals, any one still go back to the street to lay a finger on an innocent soul or take part in destruction of properties without godly justification.
Islam is peace and peace is the only machination to live it up here on earth and hereafter. Muslims are the best of mankind, let us live up to expectation.
Wishing you all Eidul – mubaraq.
Waheed Suleyman Waheed (from Lagos) 08038368591

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