Talking points – COVID-19 Second Wave Media Sensitisation




1. Recent Epidemiology records confirm that Nigeria is now facing a rise in confirmed COVID-19 cases nationwide which is similar to the second wave of infections occurring in other countries across the world. Particularly, Lagos, Kaduna and the FCT have emerged as the new epicentres during this period, with over 70% of all confirmed cases.

2. Major cause of increase in cases and transmission across Nigeria:



A. The activities and assumptions of our youthful population which has resulted in an increase in the infection rate among young people, who are subsequently infecting older and more vulnerable family members.

B. The lack of compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions – particularly the disregard for mask use in public, large gatherings as a result of events linked to the yuletide season and recent civil demonstrations.


C. Disregard for other public health preventive measures, such as hand hygiene and physical distance requirements;

3. The current situation are also clearly the consequences of certain occurrences and events of the last few weeks.


These include:
i. Sudden increase in social gatherings involving large congregations from different parts of the country, and the world, at events such as weddings, religious activities, political rallies, conferences and end of year celebrations;
ii. These events, classified globally as ‘supers-spreader events’, make the risk of a single infection causing a large outbreak among attendees significantly higher;
e) The opening of the economy with progressive relaxation of restrictions in congregational areas such as places of worship, restaurants, bars, lounges, shopping and event centres.



• Always wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth when in public settings, such as schools, weddings, burials, places of worship, market places, shopping malls, banking halls, event centres, motor parks etc
• Maintain physical distance of at least 2 metres (2 arm’s length) from others in public settings
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer when hands are not visibly dirty and running water is not readily available
• Avoid direct contact with people such as hugging and handshaking
• Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms such as fever, cough or sudden loss of sense of taste or smell
• Cover your mouth and nose properly with a tissue paper, or your elbow when sneezing and/or coughing
• Dispose of the tissue properly immediately after use and wash your hands
• Limit celebrations during this period of festivities to members of your immediate household.
• Elderly persons and persons with medical conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma etc should avoid outings and visitors
• Avoid unnecessary travels
• Stay at home, if you feel unwell and call the FCT COVID-19 Toll Free Line 080032822557


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