Sabi EcoFusion launches Sabi Lifestyle movement, targets 5,000 people in premier campaign


A futuristic Nigerian start-up, Sabi EcoFusion, has announced the forthcoming launch of the Sabi Lifestyle movement, which targets 5,000 people in its premier campaign.

The company in a statement issued on Saturday in Lagos disclosed that the campaign starts in January 2024 but subscription begins from Monday, December 4, 2023, with free subscription for all those who sign on within the first two weeks.

“After a successful testrun that ended on November 30, Sabi EcoFusion is ready for the formal launch of Sabi Lifestyle movement,” the statement said disclosing that the main aim of the campaign is to empower subscribers with critical knowledge to drastically reduce their energy budget while at the same time contributing to fighting climate change.

According to the statement, “In the global fight against climate change and the push for a more sustainable future through a just energy transition, multiple solutions are emerging. Of these solutions, experts are in consensus that energy efficiency is a must do with 30 – 50% of the energy transition progress expected to come from energy efficiency improvement including in developing countries, helping to lower the cost of the transition.

“Sadly, the knowledge and culture to drive energy efficiency using already available resources is especially lacking in Nigeria where it is needed the most, as people suffer from rising costs of energy.

“Moved by this critical gap, the Sabi team is launching the Sabi Lifestyle movement.”

It described the Sabi Lifestyle movement as “a campaign in January 2024 where up to 5,000 people will be embedded into a culture of energy efficiency; and provided for free, tips and resources to help them make a step change in how they use energy at home – for the good of the environment while saving money at the same time.”

Speaking on the reasons why this is happening, Engr. Odinakachi Umunna, an energy expert at Shell, and the founder of Sabi EcoFusion, said: “Our research shows that up to 70% of electricity generated is wasted across the value chain with an average of 30% wasted in buildings alone. That is unacceptable, especially when we can claw this gap back with a few simple hacks that not only contribute to a better planet, but could save thousands of naira monthly in each house.

“I am a big believer in the power of thousands of people coming together to do small acts which joined together can have a big impact; and I have seen firsthand how powerful this can be. For that reason, we have chosen to make joining this movement free. Our goal is to give people for free the knowledge that will help them make an impact on the planet and their pocket.”

Engr. Umunna described the January 2024 campaign as “a pilot, where people will learn from experts in energy management, and have the opportunity to give feedback that will be used to improve future iterations as the Sabi team expands the campaign across the continent.”

He disclosed that the sign-up platform will be officially opened on 4th December, 2023 and will be free for those who sign in the first two weeks.”

Speaking at the announcement of the launch date, Engr. Hope Bemigho, a Head of Department at the Nigerian Naval Engineering College and member of the project team, said: “Conserving energy isn’t just about saving watts; it’s about nurturing wealth by wisely channeling resources, illuminating the path towards a brighter, more sustainable future.”The statement urged all those interested in exploring the Sabi Lifestyle towards a brighter, more sustainable future to connect through their social media channels @thesabilife on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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