Not Water, The Nuclear Next Time, By Owei Lakemfa


God said ” I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there anymore be a flood to destroy the earth.” Genesis 9:11.

However, human beings said no; if God will not destroy his creation, we will! So it came to pass that Donald the grandson of the German, Frederick Christ Trump, son of Frederick and his Scottish wife, Mary MacLeod, stood where the world was gathered in the United Nations Great Hall of Peace and proclaimed: I, the husband of  Ivana Zelníčková, husband of Marla Maples, husband of Melania Knauss  will  “totally destroy North Korea” because it is led by the Rocket man.

The Great Trump, leader of the Mighty  United States of America and father of  Donald Jnr, Ivanka,  Eric and Tiffany Trump, told the world: God destroyed the earth with floods, Harry. S. Truman, the son of John Anderson, son of Martha Ellen and 33rd President of the United States of America, destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bomb, I will obliterate North Korea and American enemies, not with the flood or atomic bomb, but with fusion nuclear weapons and the world will shake to its foundations. Then,  I will purchase an obliterated  North Korea and build a new Trump Towers as my legacy and a sign of my covenant between me and future generations that our enemies shall forever be destroyed.

Then arose in the United Nations General Assembly, Ri Yong Ho, the former journalist and now North Korean Foreign Minister,  proclaiming,  the “dangerous reality (is) that the gambler (Trump)  who grew old using threats, fraud and all other schemes to acquire a patch of land holds the nuclear button. These are what constitute the gravest threat to the international peace and security today.”

Then came riding the young Swiss-educated Kim Jong-un, grandson of the great warrior and Juche Idea originator, Kim II Sung and  his wife, Kim Jung-Suk, son of Kim Jong-il and Sung Hae Rim whose revelation is that Donald, the son  of Trump is a “mentally deranged” person who employs  “reckless and violent words.”  Kim Jong-un, whose wife is Ri Sol Ju, then decreed that Trump  be punished for his many transgressions against the North Korean people. He  told Trump: You come to us with thousands of nuclear weapons, we come to you with just a handful but victory belongs to us because it is not based on numbers; nuclear war is like fertilizing the human egg, one strike is enough. He then turned to  the American people: My grandfather chastised you with whips, my father chastised you with scorpions, I shall chastise you with nuclear weapons.

With the world so charged, Robert Gabriel, the son of Mugabe, the Zimbabwean rose in the gathering and spoke in the spirit of the times: “Some of us were embarrassed, if not frightened by what appeared to be the return of the Biblical giant, called Goliath. Are we  having a return of Goliath to our midst who threatens the extinction of other countries? And may I say to the United States President, Mr. Trump, please blow your trumpet,  blow your trumpet in a musical  way towards the values of unity, peace,  cooperation, togetherness, dialogue, which we have always stood for  and which are well written in our very sacred document, the  Charter  of the United Nations.”

Then  a voice came to me, Owei, the son of Lakemfa of the Nation  of the Niger Area  saying ‘Get up, leave all you are doing, and like a voice crying in the wilderness, warn humanity that it is not only the Mighty Americans and the  Warrior North Koreans that threaten the world with extinction, but there might be more danger from the Zionist Benjamin “Bibi” the ultra-racist  son of Nethanyau who shares the temperament of Trump and Jong-un, and, the unyielding children of Persia, the heirs of the Ayatollah  Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini who pursue the nuclear weapon.’

Then as I got up, the voice came a second time: ‘Hurry Owei,  son of Lakemfa, the Niger Deltan, warn  my people that the greatest danger might be neither  America nor  North Korea, the European Union nor Russia or even Israel nor Iran, but the two nations from the same womb; Pakistan and India.’ Mother Indian had a delayed triplet; first came India and Pakistan, then baby Bangladesh. But the first two have engaged themselves in a suicidal tussle for seventy years now.

Then I heard a harsh voice:  “We can make Pakistan extinct as a social organism”  “Who is that?” The Ancient voice answered “That is one of the devils in India” Then I heard another harsh voice: “I am not a madman or a nut.” “Who is that?” “That is the voice of Abdul Qadeer, the son of  Khan, the Nuclear Proliferator-in-Chief.  He is the father of nuclear weapons in Pakistan, sold nuclear secrets to Libya;  the nuclear weapons in North Korea are his illegitimate  offsprings, same as those emerging in Iran.” Then I replied: “But the man says he is neither a madman nor a nut” The reply was crisp “How do you know?  How do you characterise a  man who thinks his pecuniary mission is to democratize nuclear weapons across the world? Rise, go tell the world about Abdul Qadeer Khan.”

Khan, the Proliferator is a Pakistani   nuclear scientist and metallurgical engineer who was based in Netherlands. His  career began shortly after India carried out its first atomic test in 1974. The sentiment in Pakistan was not just about national interests and safety, but also religious. It was reasoned that the Christian nations of Europe had nuclear weapons, the Judaists in Israel had acquired theirs, so also had the Hindus in India, only the Muslim nations  had no nuclear weapons. The then Pakistani Prime Minster, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto vowed: ”We will eat grass or leaves, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own.”  Now Khan says confidently, he can destroy New Delhi in five minutes.

I was now apprehensive “What happens to humanity?” the Voice replied ” I have created the world, made it beautiful and sent my Prophets. You have produced the capacity to destroy the world and now played yourself into a corner. How you get out of the trap you have ensnared yourselves is your problem”

“What about my country Nigeria?”  “Well, the road to producing nuclear weapons is also the road that leads to producing nuclear for development; choose your path”

I feared for sanctions if  Nigeria if  goes nuclear, but  I heard the voice of  Sergio Duarte “One cannot worship at the altar of nuclear weapons and raise heresy charges against those who want to join the sect.”

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