Misadventure of Ex-UN official, By Sam Kumo


Trust me , the miscalculations of  Yum Kella’s closest associates in forthcoming Sierra Leonean election continue to embarrass him and strip him off of any chance moving forward.KKY advisers are consumed by UN euphoria which will produce nothing in this race.

Just like Kerefa-Smart supporters in 1996, who foolishly were carried away by  fake ego that Kerefa-smart’s head was bought by white people .  . This was an illusion mounted to blindly  fool followers into an open ditch. Suddenly,  they were all burried alive in that crazy political deception.

I see Yum Kella and his supporters engulfed in an endless UN fake imagination.  Do you think UN will break banks in New York, London, Paris because a retired UN worker has become president in his home?

Come on!

If I lead energy revolution  in the world, I will ensure my country gets more than 50MW rather than 2MW at Bankasoka.  If I work at UN, I will ensure my father’s house is rebuilt like never before  to avoid embarrassing photos  of dilapidated  and isolated  structure circulated on social media.

If I  contest a flag bearer race  in the SLPP ( one of the top political party in the country) , I will fight till the end and if I don’t win, I will accept a running mate position  rather than following a bunch of desperate politicians in NGC. It’s better to be a vice president and work to change the system rather than failed in NGC.

I will  never fight against my father’s legacy because I don’t succeed to lead a party he dearly love till death. It’s a terrible idea that will land KKY in a wrongful retirement.

I will never fight a political party that paved my way to life . If there is a problem , I will work to fix it . But here is KKY forming a parallel  force to break the same party that made him.  Well, When Charles Margai tried the same, the enemies ( APC) celebrated, they caught him,  used him,  and later ,dumped him in Pademba Road Prison.  Today, Margai is scrambling for recognition in Salone politics.  Never fight against your father’s legacy. KKY will learn his lesson after 2018 if he does not stop for a minute and recalculate

KKY cannot defeat Maada Bio in  SLPP flag bearer race so what does he expects  at National level?  He went ahead and formed AAA ( 11 men against 1 man) but still failed.  He left SLPP and claimed to form a coalition.  Where is the coalition?  ADP is still on its own.  Kamarainba is stronger than ever. PMDC ,C4C, and  NURP are almost  closing a separate deal.  Give us a break Mr UN. Where is road map? Something is wrong with your team.

The satirical caricature photos of few supporters  I saw so far will not put you in a run off spot. A third position means nothing.

Another observations is here.The NGCers just like their Presidential hopeful, tend to display this sense of entitlement and ‘know-it-all’ syndrome. They believe their leader is the step-son of the Greek god Zeus, who replicates inborn supremacy above ALL else and therefore has an entitlement to the presidency not only by virtue of his UN profile, but  also merely because he can eloquently chant out sweet-sounding theoretical solutions to Sierra Leone’s decade-old, complex practical problems. And when you from the other side believe otherwise that such problems must better be entrusted to one whose track record not only shows experience in the international sphere, but  also one who has, subject to his experience in national service, properly consolidated an understanding of the practical problems that be as well as fully appreciated the risks within the dynamics of Sierra Leone’s politics, they call you unpatriotic.

More so, they call you unpatriotic because you choose to support another political party other than the NGC, chanting rhetorics like Put Salone Fos, not party”. Yet they fail to realize  the NGC itself where they belong is in fact a political party. How ironic! Such hypocrisy.

Besides , how does belonging to a political party translate to unpatriotism? Sounds both funny and deceitful to me. Who could be more patriotic than Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States? Lincoln belonged to a political party – the Replubican Party. Or who could be more patriotic than John F. Kennedy, America’s 35th president? And yes, again JFK belonged to a political party – the Democratic Party!  See, belonging to a political party does not and should not deter one from having the spirit of patriotism, just that we all have differring sense of direction when it comes to nation building.

Some of us believe our guiding principles to nation building could be derived from old traditions, some as old as the sun APC and others as old as the green earth SLPP. And if we feel some of these traditions are inadequate for our modern day purposes, then we will make amends within these very traditions so as to reflect the changes we need. So Mister man, hole u yone ar hole me yone, all bottle wit eim stopper. Nor cam tell me sae ar nor lek Salone becoz ar refuse for give up me bottle whilst you sef sef hole u yone. Lonta!


Banki Moon for be President na South Korea, Kofi Annan for be president na Ghana, Brutus Brutus Ghalie for be President nar Egypt, Perez for be president na Peru. We try da lie lie dae we get President Kabbah we kno award dat go we nor go try dat again.  The only people that are really  fascinated by UN jobs are people from poor Africa and poor Asian countries. If it was where the best of the best will work trust me you will hardly find Africans or Asians there. What really puzzles me is that people live in America and they still think UN job is the highest job. It is certainly not the highest paid job and it is the kind of job that does not require any specialty.

You can study agriculture and still be a Director in UNIDO. What experience can you brag about working in a government setting? Na push u bin dae push paper na UN, eh now u wan make lek king kong na Sa. Lone, those days are gone Jack.?

* Sam Kumo writes from Freetown


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