Message of Peace
On This Occasion of Nigeria’s 57th Independence Day Anniversary
Hello neighbors! As President of the American University of Nigeria, and Chairperson of the Adamawa Peacemakers Initiative, I share a message of peace to our community.
During this holiday weekend, celebrating the independence of Nigeria, let us pause and reflect. We are fortunate to be living in peaceful times, for peace is the foundation for prosperous and thriving communities.
But peace is a delicate balance, and we should not allow group ambitions or political differences to put peace at risk. We must remain vigilant each and every day and hold each other accountable, and collaborate in this spirit of progress.
As Martin Luther King Jr taught us, peace is not just the absence of tension, it is the presence of justice. Let us walk together as brothers and sisters in the beautiful green valleys of Adamawa State. Happy Independence Day Nigeria!
Dawn Dekle, PhD
President, American University of Nigeria & Chairperson, Adamawa Peacemakers Initiative (API)
Friday, September 29, 2017