Fight! Fight! Fight! by Joseph Egwurube


(My immediate reaction to the results of the American presidential elections.)

Fight! Fight! Fight!
He bellowed as he rose bloodstained from the ground
Right fist raised in defiance of a bullet
That his body in a coffin
Almost delivered, sealed and nailed

The silent majority listened and the call to fight they loudly heard and heeded
You’re fired! the verdict they nonviolently then gave
We the people a leader that humanely leads us we need
Not one who our nature and names openly despises and insults

A self-anointed favorite President
Surrounded by defective mirrors that his greatness oddly inflate
Believing earnestly that he is the chosen one, the Messiah, the Word
And that what he says automatically and truly becomes what is

The silent majority listened and meditated deeply
About the chaos they knew would befall
We the people a leader that our rules respect we need
Not one who from day one a dictator wishes to be

Death threats announced to past friends now turned foes
Billion-dollar suits filed against one organ of the press
Name calling the registered trademark of the 45th
And the rambling ‘weave’ the new method of speech and political discourse

The silent majority listened and watched carefully
We cannot be great if we are this divided, they reasoned
We the people a leader who brings us together we need
Not one who thrives when we are at each other’s throats

Smart and extremely brilliant he calls himself
Smart he equally calls his models, despots leading some other countries
Love letters he used to exchange with one in particular
Who with an iron fist his people’s subservience has long maintained

The silent majority listened, watched and decided
This page they needed to turn irrevocably
We the people a leader who relishes our diversity we desire
Not one who supremacists he qualifies as good people

A blood bath he promises if he doesn’t win this time around
Unwilling he is to accept to come second, something unbecoming of his station
Forgetting that millions of Americans clearly gave him the boot during the 2020 elections
Only to watch helplessly as his disciples sought to force him on them

The silent majority did not arms akimbo sit but the following declarations made
We the people have our rights and constitution to protect
We the people cannot accept a leader who will limit our access to health care
We the people must our common destiny take control of
We the people cannot a convicted predator depend on for our protection
We the people our future generations and the planet must we cater for
We the people do hereby solemnly confirm
Our strong resolve to engender a new dawn
That will leave behind the penumbra
That almost eclipsed for good the shining stars in our national flag
And so armed with the courage of our ballots
Have we decided to fight, fight and fight
For the United States of America
To remain
The land of the free
And the home of the brave
Alas, I just woke up
To realise I had been dreaming!

(Joseph Egwurube, Resident in France)

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