We appreciate some of the measures taken by Bauchi state Government in its fight against the COVID19 Pandemic in the state, especially, the announcement of total lockdown in some local governments of the state that were initially neglected and the and the establishment of 7 sub-committees that will help the main committee in tracing contacts of the people who tested positive for testing and necessary follow up actions. We note in particular, the sealing of Gida Duba Housing Estate where a tested positive of Covid – 19 patient died that necessitated the tracing of his contacts of which three of them returned positive. Since then more samples have been taken and results are being awaitedThe meeting of the state government with the traders union in the state which led to the reduction the price of some essential commodities is also another step worthy of commendations.
However, we wish to draw the attention of the state government to following the issues:OBSERVATIONSWith respect to the isolation centres of Baraya and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital, we observed:• People who are suspect cases, waiting for their results and mix with confirmed cases in an environment where social distancing is not possible thus creating the situation in which even when the results of the suspects turn out negative, they might have become infected by the virus during the their stay In the isolation centres• patients are not enlightened even though many of the suspected cases in the centre including those tested positive still don’t believe that the pandemic is real.• Sanitary state of the centre is extremely poor as neither sanitizer nor soap is provided throughout the centre not even bathing soap• Toilet paper and Disinfectants are not available for the COVID 19 patients residing at Bayara General Hospital Isolation Centre, Bauchi.• Attitude of healthcare personnel in the two isolation centres is poor and hostile to patients, leading to misunderstanding and even a protest at Bayera on due to lack of drinking water on Monday• Insufficient drugs that will help those in isolations in aliments that are not related to COVID 19 and may likely affect the patients during their stay at the centresWith respect to other hospitals in the state:1. There is still acute shortage of preventive materials such as sanitizers, face masks, PPE’s 2. The frequent death is still occurring in some parts of the state and social distance and other professional burial guidelines are not observe 3. Insufficient sanitizers and other related materials for the use of the patients4. Poor patient-workers relationship as a result of the actions and attitude of some of the health workers5. Sample testing takes a long time of about 5 days before the result is out, leaving suspect in a state o trauma
RECOMMENDATIONS1. the state government should as a matter of urgency address the filthy conditions of the isolation centres In the state and provide the necessary materials that will prevent other infections to patients in the isolation centres2. The state the government should work with the Presidential Task Force against COVID 19 to get enough PPEs for the health workers managing the centres and other hospitals in the state. 3. Government should enlighten both patients and the general public as even patients are unable to understand why they are being held4. The state the government should engage in massive testing and contact tracing in all the local governments in the state5. There is a need for improved relationship between the patients and the health workers in the Isolation Centres.6. For the total lockdown to work effectively and provide the needed result there is a need for inclusive and transparent palliative distribution
CONCLUSIONCITAD will continue to monitor and report the situation to the government and engage the citizens in the state to ensure that we collectively win the fight against the pandemic in the state in particular and the country in general. We are also ready to partner with the state government or any other stakeholder that take the responsibility of giving his/her contribution to the fight against the pandemic in the state.
Isah GarbaAg. Programmes Coordinator08064867312[email protected]
COVID-19: CITAD issues fresh report on Bauchi
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