A new opportunity for Nigerian students to win an essay completion has been announced by CITAD.It is called the Report A Project Completion.
In this competition students are urged write a report on any abandoned project in
their local communities.
The essence of the Essay
is for each person to
write innovative ideas on how to combat corruption.
The competition has a topic for each
round. The topic for the present fourth
round is how to fight corruption in the judiciary.
An applicant needs to go to www.reportaproject.ng to download the form on which they
will write the essay or report.
The competitions are mainly for students. They will need evidences like
pictures especially in “report a project” competition
After the submission, judges will assess and select the best six. Then an
online poll will be opened for public voting to select the best three
According to the flyers announcing the competition, prizes to be won are 30k, 20k and 10k for the first,
second and third winners.
The competition according to the flyer, the
competition is supported by the
MacArthur Foundation