On Farooq Kperogi’s Aspersions On Phrank Shaibu


In less than four hours, l have received over five hundred mails & phone calls on Farooq Kperogi’s unkind comments on me. Well wishers, friends, professional colleagues, political associates & family members have joined in expressing concern & surprise. Consequently, l wish to use this opportunity to thank them for their kind words of encouragement.

ln line with the advise of many people that contacted me, l would have opted to ignore Farooq because they seem to know and understand his character but l have considered it expedient to state that as much as l agree that at such a time & under the strange circumstance which l have been thrust into by Farooq’s unguided remarks, silence is the best form of eloquence. However, from the contents of Farooq’s  unbridled insults and half-truths, my silence may be misconstrued as truth. Already, l have consulted many knowledgeable persons on the issue of the purported plagarism and their views show a sharp contrast with the wild assumptions of ‘Prof’ Farooq. Any logical mind would easily appreciate that from the contents of Farooq’s unbridled insults, it is obvious that his grudge against me is not on the issue of alleged plagarism.

l have also discussed with my lawyers and their position is that l should not waste tons of newsprint in creating unnecessary relevance for Farooq  given that it is most appropriate to meet him in court in line with his expressed desire to sue.

For the avoidance of the doubt, l am Phrank Shaibu and l do not represent the person Farooq tried to describe. Therefore, l will continue to  resist the natural urge to join issues with ‘Prof’ Farook now. Furthermore, as much as l acknowledge Farooq’s antics to use me to draw readers to his column & blog, however, l consider his write up as a distraction as well as a weak attempt  to divert my focused attention from my various important commitments & purposeful engagements that advance humanity.

For emphasis. most of the remarks by Farooq about me are shocking and nothing but  figments of his skewed imagination. l hope that time and reason will reveal the real motive of Farooq Kperogi on Phrank Shaibu and perhaps expose all those behind the scene on this devious, obliquitous, guileful and sly agenda.

I refuse to be provoked!


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