Ajaokuta Steel Company Shall Come Alive Again, By Otunba Dele Ajayi-Smith


Let me tell you for free that the table is already shifting against the West and many emerging economy Nations of the global South.
They are paying huge prices for those manipulations of the past centuries.
All the natural disasters happening to them now are the consequences of the imbalanced relationship they have perpetuated with Africa, it will be more in the coming years. Remembered what’s happened from the 1st of January 2024 and extended till early February around the Western World and some of the emerging nations.

They have one single solution to save and heal their lands, they must voluntarily decided to industrialise Africa in order to HEAL those nations who have prevented Africa from development. The spate of natural disasters will grow in the coming years until they come to the recognition that exactly what is happening now is the reciprocal effects of their evils. It is the only symbolical redemption for those nations not to perish.

The 30.37 million square kilometres Africa land space will yet serve as home for many of those nations when their countries would have disappeared from the surface of the earth.
All they have done with our stolen raw materials will be washed away in a trickle of an eye. Remember Japan experiences of the recent years and this January.

Africans too must wake up, otherwise, more shocking experiences will have to get us ready towards our huge responsibilities. We have been too weak, hence the developed world have always been using many of us to work against the development in the continent.

National growth LS

Why must a single person stole N80 billions from our common patrimony? It is a weakness already grown to a dangerous level of incurable disaster called propensity.
Five people have stolen more than the amount needed to fix Ajaokuta Steel Plant and others, yet those money are kept hidden and made unproductive.

Even when you have the grace of emerging good leadership, such few extremely weak people will ensure such leader don’t succeed. They love seeing people impoverished, they love seeing blood letting, they love seeing and worshipping money as their god, money that should serve people and promote development.
Industrialisation brings Light, but unfortunately, such weaklings amongst us love darkness, they have kept Africa perpetually in the darkness to continue to enjoy their bad nature in the darkness, which is not in any way compatible with the light.

Everything must now change in the coming years, this will be forced by Natural Justice, not any military rule, and it will no longer be influenced by religion or ethnicity. It is judgment time!
Note: Otunba Dele Ajayi-Smith is a Board member of the CSO Coalition for the Revival of Ajaokuta Steel. He contributed this piece to the discussion on the ongoing discourse around Steel management and national development.

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