British Agency, others in trouble for contempt of Nigerian Court


….British Agency, others in trouble for contempt of Nigerian Court

By Chimezie Godfrey

The House of Representatives is set to commence probing of Officers of British Government and their investigative agencies, National Crime Agency NCA, Crown Prosecution Service CPS and one investigator/prosecutor called Sara Melo, for acting in contempt to undermine Nigeria Judicial Sovereignty and disrespect of Judgements of Nigeria Courts, which cleared Africa Successful businessman and Aiteo Boss, Benedict Peters of wrongdoings.

This was sequel to the petition brought before it by foremost Civil Society Group, African Centre for Justice and Human Rights (ACJHR), which was adopted at Wednesday’s plenary.

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According to the petition, “the foreign agencies reportedly disregarded the Nigeria’s Courts ruling and have been maliciously trying to undermine court judgments which have vindicated African Businessman Benedict Peters and quashed all fabricated allegations with over 10 High Court Judgements clearing him of all wrongdoing, including cases that the British authorities where parties to in Nigeria for which they are at Appeal in just one, but still carrying out actions to defame, distract and undermine Benedict Peters with the mention of his name in UK proceedings on matters competent courts have affirmed his innocence, cleared him and barred the UK authorities from dragging his name into such decided issues”.

Laying the petition on behalf of the Civil Society Organisation, Rt. Hon. Aliyu Mustapha who represents Kubau Ikara Federal Constituency of Kaduna State, said the group seeks that a thorough legislative investigation to be conducted into the continued undermining and defaming of the name of Nigerian businessman, Mr. Benedict Peters and ensure that the British Government ends the undermining of Nigeria Judicial Sovereignty and Judgements of competent Courts in Nigeria.

The group also prayed that the investigation should lead to a stoppage in the abuse of Nigeria’s judicial sovereignty, “which can be seen in the disdain with which judgements from our courts are treated especially the over 10 High Court Judgements which have declared Mr. Peters of any criminal wrongdoings, quashed a witness statement and investigative reports from NCA, CPS, Stacey boniface including the issues been reintroduced by one Sara Melo who knows very well that all the issues for which Benedict Peters name is been bandied about have all been resolved by competent court and Court proceedings that the NCA, CPS, etc, where parties actively participated”.

He stressed that the petition is a call for Nigeria parliament to stop the unwarranted attacks and abuse of the sanctity of our judicial pronouncements and rights of our citizens.

The petition signed by ACJHR Secretary, Chisom Nduka Edede Esq, read in part: “Sometime in 2015 the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) commenced an investigation into certain activities of Mr. Benedict Peters, CEO of AITEO Energy Resources, owners and operators of the OML 29 and the Nembe creek Trunk Line. Obviously not finding any infractions, some persons within the EFCC allegedly hatched a plan with some of their collaborators in the National Crime Agency and Crown Prosecution Service in the UK to harass and intimidate and eventually steal some properties belonging to Mr. Benedict Peters and his companies.

“These properties include houses in the United Kingdom. it looks as if the Nigerian group would take some while the British collaborators will take over the OML 29 which AITEO legitimately acquired from Shell Petroleum Development Company. The EFCC started by declaring Mr. Peters wanted. This action has been declared as illegal by the Court and unlawful by the Court as it amounted to a gross violation of the rights of Mr. Peters, especially his constitutionally guaranteed right of fair hearing as espoused in the latin maxim ‘audi alteram paterm’. which means hear the other side. From 2016 till date.

“At least 10 courts before which Mr. Peters has appeared have all vindicated him and cleared him of all charges and allegations of infractions. malfeasance or indeed any crime. Instructively, the FCT High Court in the case BENEDICT PETERS & 3 ORS V ATTORNEY-GENERAL OF THE FEDERATION & 6 ORS – SUIT NO. FCT/HC/CV/0536/2017 found the defendants which included EFCC, NCA, CPS and their officials liable in carousel fraud for suppressing and misrepresenting facts about the properties of Mr. Peters with a view to taking them over.

“The court thereafter awarded damages of N200.000.0OO in favour of Mr. Peters and his companies. This decision which was given by the Court six years ago has not been appealed against by anyone. it is quite disheartening that despite the numerous judgments of Court, the British agencies and their officials particularly one Sarah Melo have continued to disregard the judgments and treat same with disdain. The FCT High Court has also granted an order for these numerous judgments to be served, registered and enforced in several countries including the United Kingdom.”

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