You are Loners Not Team Players, Oduobuk tells writers at AWF Workshop


Crispin OduobokBy Balarabe Oshiafi

Creative minds have been told to appreciate the need to keep more to themselves to externalize their innate talents and move this troubled world foreword. Delivering a lecture titled Writitude and drawing from Joana Penns postulations on the 7 truths about Writers at the on-going April Writing Workshops of the Abuja Writers Forum (AWF), Crispin Oduobok, the Guest Lecturer said, “Writing is a solitary art. Even Writers who collaborate create their pieces separately and knit them together later. We are not naturally team players.”
He urged men of letters to activate their potentialities within by creating good works instead of looking for happiness within the crowd, kindred meetings or community associations.
“To be a happy writer is to enjoy solitude for creation. Writers are often introverts in the sense that they are energized by time alone with their minds. They may love being with people but it tires and drains them”, he said.
In his own lecture, titled developing the Play; Anthony Abu, the Drama Instructor harped on
the need for writers to secure global appeal for their works. “Be global in your thoughts. A writer does not write for himself. His work must be something the people here and elsewhere will be interested in reading or going to the theatre to see”. He said.
Another area he urged writers to take seriously is research.
“For the public not to be disappointed, you must get your facts right. If you are writing a play that enacts a professional workplace attitude, the diction, the terminologies of that profession must be applied appropriately. Research unfolds deeper layers to your story”, Abu
According to a news release by the AWF, Saturday, April 27 is the last day of the workshop and its flagship event which started in June 2008, theGuest Writer session will take place at Nanet Suites, Ekiti House, Kur Mohammed Street, Central Business District, Abuja.
The release also announced that the April Guest Writer Obari Gomba teaches Literature and CreativeWriting in the Department of English studies, University of Port Harcourt. “Music
will be supplied by Zainab Sule, the release added.

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