A businessman, Ghali Jafaru, on Wednesday prayed a Shari’a court sitting in Magajin Gari, Kaduna to help him recover his grandfather’s house from a tenant, Balarabe Madaki.
Jafaru, who resides at No B2 Nupe Road, said that Madaki has been living in the house for free for years before the the demise of his grandfather.
“My siblings and I want to recover and dispose of our inheritance and Madaki and his family have refused to move out of the house.
”I want the court to order him to leave the house”, he said.
In his defence, Madaki prayed the court not to evict him but to give him more time to respond to the complainant’s claim.
The Judge, Malam Murtala Nasir, after listening to both parties adjourned the matter untill July 12 for for the defendant to respond to the complainant’s claim(NAN)