DSK Story: Nobody Has Threatened To Kill Dr John – A Rejoinder, By Josiah Sabo Kente



My attention has been drawn to an online publication titled “Taraba ‘s Ex-Guber Candidate DSK in a Business Row, Brother Alleges Threat To life, Considers Exile. ”

The News carries factual errors that could create further divisions within the family,it is also a mischievous attempt to create unnecessary tension between brothers . Ordinarily I wouldn’t have loved to join issues with Dr John Sabo because if you join issues with a mad man ,the right thinking members of the society will not be able to different between who is in his right senses or who is a mad person . However because of the weigthy nature of the allegations I feel very necessary to make the following clarifications which may assist the reading public to make an informed decision

1 The said publication alleged that I Rt Hon Josiah Sabo Kente phD and chief David Sabo Kente had threatened to kill him . This allegation is unfortunate and is just an imagination of the complainant, instead of asking for help to survive in the midst of his frustration he is busy chasing shadows , Secondly I was never detained by the police as claimed in the publication . The more mockery of the whole publication was that some members of the family were behind him , this is not the first time a family is having such kind of dispute but the ability to resolve such disputes depends on the motives behind it  .

My sin is that I refused to join forces with Dr John to pull down our elder brother who has contributed so much in sustaining the family , I wouldn’t want to join Dr JOHN in washing our dirty linen in the public but suffice it to say here that more than ten arbitrations including appearing before our paramount ruler of The AKU UKA of wukari with a view to resolving the issue proved abortive as Dr JOHN has remained adamant claiming that the spirits operating with him had warned him not to compromise any ground , those who have access to the palace can verify this .

He had gone to court in The Gambia and Ghana he has failed The next thing to do is to resort to blackmail.

As I said earlier this rejoinder is not intended to expose our family problems but just to put some points straight  Dr JOHN is acting out of frustration because all the threats and criminal intimidation he has implored to extort money from his elder brother has failed otherwise he claimed he was using a civilized way of reclaiming his shares in his elder brothers investment which any body that knows how he found his way working in the company will tell you that it is not true . Dr john has through his attitude proven to the whole world that he cannot be trusted otherwise how can you do this kind of thing to your elder who contributed 90% to making you who you are in the society today.  He has vowed that unless Jesus Christ descends from heaven and asked him to stop the nonsense otherwise he will never withdraw from his .. activities.

In conclusion nobody has threatened or is threatening to kill Dr John . His recent activities (are)  just a manifestation of his frustration knowing fully well that he has gotten to the end of the road. The next thing is maybe to commit suicide .. ….. I Josiah Sabo Kente has never killed a human being and do not intend to take anybody’s life knowing fully well the implication of such action. Thanks for your attention

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