Fatherland unveils two apps to promote Afrocentrism


Fatherland Corporation has announced plans to unveil two mobile and web applications – Fatherland and Fammet- in December, 2023.

Chairman & and the CEO, Hareter Babatunde Oralusi in a statement described the application as a community marketplace that will meet members’ needs for an Afrocentric lifestyle.

“We are focused on connecting members to the best Afrocentric lifestyle, including products, food, events, travel, spirituality, community forums, and culture,” he said.

Fameet App is a social network allowing users who sign up for free profiles to connect with family and lineage online.

“This app keeps you in close touch with family and will enable you to connect and learn more about your family and ancestors. It allows users to share pictures, music, videos, and articles, as well as their thoughts and opinions, publicly and privately within the platform,” the CEO explained.

The two applications are designed to boost the Afrocentric ecosystem, culture, lifestyle, and brands aimed to meet people’s economic, recreational, educational, and entertainment needs.

“The concept reveals how a group of people is bound geographically, culturally, linguistically, religiously, and economically in our fast-paced and challenging world,” the statement read.

Fatherland Corporation, operating in Nigeria and the United States, has its headquarters in New York. It is an international technology and investment company. The company also owns and operates ForeTVHub, ForeMedia Music, African Creative City, and Fatherland Foundation.

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