Jonathan:Blazing the Trail On Gender Front


President-Goodluck-jonathan 600By Guest Writer
“If one wishes to change the world, the women must be efficiently mobilised”….Indira Ghandi(Former Indian Prime Minister)
The revolutionary women empowerment march has witnessed a symbolicboost with the launch of a new book titled “Goodluck Ebele Jonathan:
Champion for Women” In one fell swoop the book whose forward was written by the Honorable Minister For Petroleum Resource Mrs. Deziani Madueke sheds light on the role played by outstanding Nigerian women, capturing their significant contribution to national development. These women’s act of dedication and servitude to their nation has earned them the respect of many a men. This book brings to fore, their monumental achievements.
Note worthy also is the percentage of the international average of women in elected office, it stands at a meagre 20% in other words, politics is still perceived to be overhelmingly a man’s work space, Nigeria is a positive exception, president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s appointments at executive level have historically increased the percentage of women in office from 10% to above 30%, well above the international average”…(excerpts from the book). The misconception that the female gender was the weaker of the genders has been crushed with the new crop of women leaders and the amazing followership they have earned, overtime leaving in their trail scores of achievements..

Here are some excerpts from the book “the world bank’s 2012 world development report agrees that female leaders accelerate positive development outcomes” this feat is not unconnected with their natural disposition to leadership,organisation and the ability to emphatise and carry along their following..,. ” women represent about 50% of the population, so if you appoint women into cabinet you’re carrying women along with is the wisest thing any leader can do”…..Mrs.Hadiza Ibrahim Mailafa(minister of environment)………
“Women are better organised, to keep a home and a husband and raise children while working, reuires a lot of organisation. So i think that any misperception is more a question of morality than competence”
Mrs Hadiza Ibrahim Mailafiya(min of enviroment)……….| ” when young girls meet female ministers it encourages them to work harder and aspire|” lady Amal pepple cfr(min of lands,housing and urban development)……….
”The message he is sending is that he trusts the judgement of women. He believes women can deli ver and he is putting very important positions that matter for his economic transformation agenda into the hands of these women. I dont think you could have a more powerfull message than that”.
Dr.(Mrs)Ngozi okonjo-iweala,CFR(cordinating minister for the economy and minister of
finance)……. ”you just need to work hard and dont be retiring. women tend to think
that your work will speak for us-sometimes it does and sometimes it doesnt, speak out, talk about yourself and dont be afraid”Mrs omobola johnson.(min of communication technology)

” President Jonathan has taught me, that true strenght lies in the capacity to excercise great restraint, under pressure and it is clear that only the most disciplined of men can achieve these heights” ……….Mrs. Deziani Madueke (minister for petroleum resource)
(Article sent in by a guest writer)

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