Re: North Rejects Sambo As Jonathan’s Running Mate In 2015


Namadi-Sambo- 600While perusing the Daily Independent newspaper of April 3rd 2013, a report survey report supposedly conducted in the northern part of the country on the possibility of the north accepting Sambo as Jonathan’s running mate in 2013 was visible on page 4 of the edition.

The survey report was a product of a purported non-profit organization called Institute of Democracy and Good Governance (IDGG) based in United State. The report, which was supposed to be a survey, had missing in its entirety the indices used on the parameters employed to come to such logicAL conclusions.

We now live in global world of prompt information at our fingertips. Previously, such stories might make sensational headlines, but today ICT has provided the leverages to get virtual information at supersonic speed. To verify the authenticity of the said survey and the existence of such an organization, I googled its name on the internet. To my chagrin, no such institution exist in the USA as the paper claimed. The only institution whose name came close to the one used by the empathizer was the Institute for Democratic governance based in Ghana and with the website address To satisfy my curiosity and confirm the authenticity of such a survey, I contacted the organization to determine its relationship with that which claimed to have carried out the survey. The IDEG not only dissociated itself from the said organization but also claimed no knowledge of such a survey.

I do not hold forth for the vice president, rather, I am propelled by the need to be objective and fair and to put before the public accurate information devoid of deceit.  It is unfortunate and sad for a medium that has established a reputation for objective reportage to allow itself be used as attack dog by a fifth columnist. As a layman, the first two paragraphs of the report were quite convincing that the entire story was a charade to denigrate the person and the good office of the number two citizen of this great country.

Of recent there has been a mounting campaign of calumny by a faceless group hell-bent on tarnishing the image of the vice president, whose profile has been soaring. One needs no soothsayer to note that the survey was concocted to give benefits to those mentioned in the outcome

This mission has the potency of failing since, from observation, the vice president appears to be too busy to respond to such flimsy and mundane issues. I will like it to be put on record the modus operandi of the research. In which parts of the north was the research conducted, what was the research population/sample size or research methodology. These are salient issues that must be addressed in every objective research and IDGG owes the readers the benefit of such vital information

Abatuwa Kwata can be reached at

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