Ukraine Invasion: Russia disavows allegations


…..Says goal of military operations, to ensure safety, security of nuclear facilities in Ukraine

By Chimezie Godfrey

The Embassy of Russian Federation in Nigeria has disavowed allegations and negative narratives against her military operations in  Ukraine.

The Embassy in a statement denied allegations levelled against it as regards its military invasion of Ukraine, adding that the goal were to the people of Ukraine who, for the last eight years, the statement said, have been suffering humiliation and genocide at the hands of the Kiev regime that came to power through an anti-constitutional  coup in 2014, among others.

The Embassy therefore resolutely condemned the anti-Russia campaign, unleashed in the West.

According to it, the openly Russo-phobic propaganda from mainstream media outlets and statements by Western politicians that are a far cry from the principles of tolerance, are causing the most destructive consequences for them.

The Statement reads in part:”To protect the people who, for the last eight years, have been suffering humiliation and genocide at the hands of the Kiev regime that came to power through an anti-constitutional coup in 2014; to bring current “officials,” the puppet regime, to justice for crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation, committed throughout those years; to demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine.

“Utmost efforts have been made for eight years to urge the Kiev authorities to stop the punitive operation against their own people, to settle the conflict in Donbass by peaceful, political and diplomatic means, to establish a direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk as per the Minsk Agreement, which states that the Ukrainian authorities are to launch a dialogue on the modalities of holding local elections and the future status of these regions in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. The Ukrainian authorities were openly violating their own constitution and legislation and adopted discriminatory laws on language, education and native peoples.

“The United States and Western countries rolled out a massive anti-Russia disinformation campaign. They pumped Ukraine full of weaponry, sent their military advisers and held large-scale military exercises. The militarisation of the country’s territory was on the rise.

“For many years, the European Union, under the mask of a peacemaker, lavishly financed the Kiev regime, which came to power in an anti-constitutional coup. The EU stood in silence while the population of Donbass was being exterminated and the Russian language was being strangled in Ukraine. It disregarded our endless calls to take notice of the predominance of Nazis in the Ukrainian authorities, the socioeconomic blockade and murder of innocent civilians in the southeast of Ukraine. The EU conditioned its future relations with Russia on the implementation of the Minsk Package of Measures but has done everything to encourage Kiev to break agreements. At the same time, the EU gave Kiev money and visa-free travel and extended anti-Russia sanctions under far-fetched pretexts. The EU took part in Kiev’s performances, which put in question the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

“The EU has shown the real worth of the rule of law in Europe, having disregarded all the eight criteria of its own “common position” of December 8, 2008 defining common rules governing control of exports of military technology and equipment (2008/944/CFSP), which explicitly prohibits the export of weapons and military equipment from the EU in the following cases:

“1.     if the country of final destination does not respect international obligations and commitments (Kiev disregarded its commitments under the Minsk Package of Measures approved by UN Security Council Resolution 2202);

“2.     if the country of final destination does not respect human rights, and if there is a clear risk that the military technology or equipment to be exported might be used for internal repression (Kiev is guilty of genocide in Donbass);

“3.     if an armed conflict is underway, and the deliveries could aggravate existing tensions or conflicts in the country of final destination;

“4.     if deliveries could hinder the preservation of regional peace, security and stability, and if there is likelihood of armed conflict between the recipient and another country;

“5.     if deliveries could endanger the national security of the EU member states (that the military technology or equipment to be exported could be used against the interests of the EU member states);

“6.     if there are doubts regarding the policy of the buyer country, in particular, its compliance with commitments on the non-use of force, and commitments to international humanitarian law and to non-proliferation and other areas of arms control (Kiev is not a shining example of compliance with these commitments, especially in light of the factual instances of grey schemes in arms exports from Ukraine);

“7.     if there is a risk that the military technology or equipment will be diverted to an undesirable end-user, including terrorist organisations (in light of the uncontrolled distribution of weapons in Ukraine, it is virtually guaranteed that some of them will eventually make their way to the shadow market);

“8.     if deliveries could disrupt the balance between militarisation and socioeconomic development of the recipient state (Kiev should pay more attention to the Ukrainian economy rather than use force to suppress dissent).

“The radical nationalists and neo-Nazis who seized power in Kiev following a government coup, supported by the West, unleashed terror on the country. The very recollection of the tragedy in Odessa, on May 2, 2014, terrifies. Peaceful demonstrators were burnt alive in the trade union building. The perpetrators of this horrendous act are well known. In fact, they posed for cameras, but have yet to be punished.

“The mass graves discovered in Donbass serve as irrefutable evidence of the criminal consequences from the massive shelling of civilian infrastructure. Forensics experts identified most victims as women and elderly people. Western politicians and mass-media have been ignoring the multiple facts relating to these outrageous violations of the most basic of human rights, the right to life. The attempts to draw the HRC’s attention to the violence and atrocities perpetrated over the past 8 years have been met with indifference.

“For all these years, the Ukrainian regime has been carrying out an aggressive policy to get rid of everything Russian and promote forced assimilation. People who identify as Russian and would like to preserve their identity, language, and culture, are told in all clarity that they are not welcome in Ukraine. Vladimir Zelensky referred to them as “species” and suggested that they go to Russia. He initiated a law on indigenous people that forced the Russians, who have been living on these lands for centuries, leave them. This is quite reminiscent of the laws Nazi Germany used to have. The Russian language is being purged from schools and universities, from the public space and even from everyday life. Quite frequently, people who speak their native language can pay for it not only with the loss of their jobs and health, but with their lives. 

“Recently, the Ukrainian regime’s barbaric actions went into overdrive. As a result, since mid-February alone, more than 100,000 refugees from Donbass have found shelter in Russia. We have collected a massive base of evidence of flagrant mass violations of human rights committed by the Kiev authorities (

“Despite the propaganda of Ukraine and the United States that the whole world allegedly supports the Kiev Nazi regime, and that Russia is allegedly in complete isolation, in reality, the countries of the world are mainly in favour of dialogue with Russia and against sanctions. Latin America. Brazil, Argentina and Mexico do not apply sanctions against Russia, although the United States is putting a lot of pressure on them in an effort to achieve compliance.

“In Africa, many countries have already spoken unequivocally. South Africa and Egypt declared their neutrality, that they would not impose sanctions, and also did not allow their citizens to join the international military volunteer corps, which Zelensky convenes.

“In the Middle East, where countries are deeply in conflict with each other, they nevertheless unanimously opposed any restrictions on Russia. Saudi Arabia even has refused to renegotiate the OPEC+ deal, which the US insisted on. Iran has bluntly said that the blame for what is happening in Europe, Ukraine and the Donbas lies entirely with NATO and the United States.

“India opposes sanctions, but Washington is trying to put pressure on New Delhi, even threatening with economic measures, which is a blatant manifestation of the habits of the hegemon.The position of the PRC is well known, China supports the Russian concern about the aggressive promotion of NATO and the provocations of the alliance in Ukraine.

“Even Moldova and Georgia, aimed at joining NATO, refused to impose sanctions against Russia and announced that their citizens could not join Zelensky’s volunteer army.

“It turns out that Ukraine is supported only by the United States and Western Europe with Japan, and this is not even half the world. And they don’t really support Ukraine, but solve their geopolitical problems at the cost of Ukraine’s future. For Western countries, Ukraine is just a bargaining chip.

“During the special military operation in Ukraine, the Kiev regime was found to have been concealing traces of a military biological programme implemented with funding from the United States Department of Defence.

“Documentation on the urgent eradication of highly hazardous pathogens of plague, anthrax, rabbit-fever, cholera and other lethal diseases on February 24 was received from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories. This included an order by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to immediately destroy stored reserves of highly hazardous pathogens in case of ‘enemy invasion’. (More information on

“This documentation is now being thoroughly analysed by specialists of nuclear, biological and chemical protection troops. However, even at this point, we can conclude that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukrainian laboratories in direct proximity to Russian territory. The urgent eradication of highly hazardous pathogens on February 24 was ordered to prevent exposing a violation of Article I of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) by Ukraine and the United States.

“This information proves that the claims that repeatedly have been made with regard to the military biological activity of the United States and their allies in the post-Soviet space within the framework of the BTWC were justified. We cannot rule out using the mechanisms in Articles V and VI of the BTWC, pursuant to which the member states shall consult with each other to resolve any issues regarding the purpose of the Convention or the execution of its provisions, and cooperate in any investigation of possible violations of the obligations under the BTWC. 

“Decisive actions to strengthen the BTWC regime are required to prevent any military biological activity carried out in violation of the BTWC. We call for the resumption of work on a legally binding Protocol to the Convention with an effective verification mechanism, which the United States has been blocking since 2001. In this context, we call for the creation of an open-ended group as part of the BTWC, which is in the interests of the overwhelming majority of member states.

“We suggest including information on military biological activities carried out abroad in annual reports provided by the BTWC member states as part of confidence-building measures. Only comprehensive steps like these will make it possible to place the military biological activity of the United States and their allies in the post-Soviet space, as well as other regions of the world, under international control and ensure the compliance of the BTWC member states with their obligations.

“Building up NATO’s presence on the eastern flank, including in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, is clearly provocative. Apparently, deterring Russia has once again become the bloc’s main purpose. Over recent days, the alliance has increased the number of its multinational battalions in Eastern Europe, the number of aircraft patrolling airspace, etc.

“At the extraordinary meeting of the foreign ministers of the North Atlantic bloc on March 4, 2022, it was announced that NATO would deploy more than 130 aircraft and 200 ships on the eastern flank of the alliance under the pretext of an Russian alleged threat to NATO. Estonian officials and state-controlled media outlets are largely involved in stirring up this anti-Russian hysteria.

“However, Russia cannot but respond to NATO’s confrontational course against our country. This is why Russia initiated the security guarantees, which would prevent NATO from expanding eastwards and from posing a threat to Russia by deploying strike systems in neighbouring countries and which would restore the alliance’s infrastructure to the 1997 level, when the Russia‒NATO Founding Act was signed. Is that too much?

“We resolutely condemn the anti-Russia campaign, unleashed in the West. The openly Russo-phobic propaganda from mainstream media outlets and statements by Western politicians that are a far cry from the principles of tolerance, are causing the most destructive consequences for them.

“There are no guarantees that the atmosphere of psychosis and hatred, being created in Europe, will not induce local nationalists to do something irreparable. Russia is located far away from them, but European leaders are quite near. Their civilians will suffer from them because it is easy to wake up this germ of Nazism, nationalism and extremism. However, it is impossible to contain this scourge. Europe has already staged experiments, including “holy” marches where the participants held hands, while walking and chanting “no to extremism and terrorism”. They are provoking and inciting all this. If their dreadful destructive work in other counties can be explained by the fact that these places are located far away, and that this is not happening in the West, then right now, this will backfire against them. Unfortunately, we have predicted many things, and we have recalled these forecasts, citing our warnings and statements.

“The difficult years of the Covid-19 pandemic have largely wrecked economic ties, and many sections of the population barely survived the pandemic-related economic crisis. Today, West have aggravated this with sanctions that have already dealt it a crushing blow, although Russia has not even started drafting its far-reaching counter-measures. They have done this all by themselves. In these conditions, the situation in western countries will deteriorate dramatically.

“Ukrainian embassies in Western European countries are openly recruiting volunteers and mercenaries so that they can take part in hostilities in Ukraine on the side of the country’s armed forces. This brings out the most primitive feelings in people. These citizens of western states are signing up on the so-called Ukrainian lists. All this is happening with the connivance of local authorities and even their support, although such actions are a criminal offence in many countries. No one is eager to use the criminal code and the relevant legislation. On the contrary, they are encouraging such activities.

“Foreign media outlets and politicians incite hatred towards certain classes, ethnic groups and people with a certain civic affiliation.  Diplomats, Russian journalists and local residents, who worked with Russian companies or openly expressed sympathy towards Russia, received messages with threats of violence. When people, who have nothing to do with political decision-making, receive messages with detailed descriptions of what is in store for them and with concrete examples, this means that something nasty is happening in these countries, that there is something wrong with them and their societies. European banks are freezing accounts to punish people financially for their independent civic stand.

“Aggressive xenophobia is rearing its ugly head. If someone is convinced that a person belonging to a different ethnic group is inferior to him or her, you will never be able to stop them from acting on this conviction. They will continue to blame different ethnic groups for their misfortunes and mishaps.

“This is a case of rabid, aggressive xenophobia of the sort that was always previously denounced and hounded by the West when it manifested in other countries. On individual occasions, this was always a matter of public debate and the cancel culture. How could it be that if a person of different race was caught at the wrong angle on a video ad, or asked to say a wrong line, right away a flywheel of persecution would be set going? A wrong name, a wrong address, a seemingly wrong note in a song, a wrong approach, if free from aggression – anything could be used as a pretext for noble indignation… But what do we have now? Or is there a summary table showing whose lives matter and whose don’t? 

“Russia has already faced a pan-European aggression of this sort in its history. In 1941, many European states that had pleaded fealty to the Third Reich attacked the USSR along with Germany. The crusade against the Soviet Union involved, apart from the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS, 1.5 million volunteers from the countries of what is today the European Union. The times repeat themselves: we are seeing the same thing. Soviet people were killed by weapons manufactured at military factories in countries that had surrendered to Germany, practically without a fight. There are many other examples, where European countries did not hesitate to profit from the Wehrmacht’s orders. In fact, the USSR was fighting against all of fascist Europe rather than just Nazi Germany. The European capitals are vying with each other in a show of loyalty to the suzerain, trying to curry favour and display their Russophobia in a particularly vivid and offensive way.  We hope that a dream that irresponsible politicians and the media, that sow blind hatred for people from other ethnic groups or people with different outlooks, will be punished would become true.

“As part of the special operation of the Russian Armed Forces, control was taken over the Chernobylskaya and Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plants and the adjacent areas. This measure was only taken to prevent Ukrainian nationalist or other terrorist groups, or foreign mercenaries – we will get back to this particular issue later – from taking advantage of the current situation in the country to carry out nuclear provocations; such risks are real.

“The situation at the Chernobylskaya and Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plants is being monitored jointly by Ukrainian specialists and the Russian military. Background radiation at both nuclear power plants is normal. The Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant is operating in normal mode, so civilians living in the adjacent areas are not exposed to risk.

“As a country that has a developed nuclear power industry, Russia is fully conscious of the potential risks to nuclear infrastructure and we are doing our best to ensure the safety and security of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities. We are outraged by the behaviour of the Kiev authorities, who are spreading disinformation about the Russian military’s actions with respect to Ukrainian nuclear power plants. This is information warfare. We will disavow all of it.”

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