The Writing Journey of Idegu Ojonugwa Shadrach


It is a great privilege to see another young Nigerian author and activist, Idegu Ojonugwa Shadrach taking strong position in activism through his political books and articles.

His activism for the nation is quite comparable to others advocating better government in the nation. To the regard, it is very important to note his points concerning strengthening government..

In his articles, matters surrounding the major sectors of government were pointed and addressed. To this, all his political admonitions are relevant and if the citizens can marry strategies outlined by him, they will enhancr better governance in the country.

His political articles were published by The Nation Newspaper, The Blueprint Newspaper, The Independent Nigeria and The Ripples Nigeria. His article entitled “My Long Work on The World Politics” was published by an international journal.

Shadrach’s books have major themes on the environmental engagements and his books have gained global circulations with accolades where some of the books have been translated to other languages. His political books such as “The Stakeholder”, “The Revolution”, and “The Apprehensive: The Nation” are majorly concerned on political strategies as points discussed and analyzed in those books are direct contact to make good governance in nations, especially Nigeria and other African countries that need good political revolution.

Shadrach has encountered several challenges towards realizing the career. He had taken on such challenges to memorable end. So, during these difficult times, Shadrach was able to pen some of the harsh realities as noted in two books,  “My Experience” and “My Empire”. The two books give the comprehensive account of his life for 25 years on earth.

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