The Lotus Pose: A Visual Metaphor for Spiritual Connection, By Isaac Megbolugbe



(February 23, 2025) In a recent article in the GIVA Apologetics Note Series, I emphasized the importance of cultivating a peaceful state of mind and heart with the Lord. However, a prominent clergy’s response highlighted a surprising concern: the use of a photo featuring a Buddhist in a lotus position as a visual metaphor for interacting with God. This reaction sparked a thoughtful discussion about the nature of spiritual connection and the role of physical postures in facilitating it.

What is the Concern?

The clergy’s question, “Do we get our peaceful state of mind and heart through Buddhist meditation?” underscores a common misconception: that certain physical postures or practices are inherently tied to specific spiritual traditions. However, as I responded, the lotus pose has been universally adopted as an efficient means of disciplining the body to connect with the Divine.

In Christian practices, being “dead to the flesh” or achieving bodily tranquility to facilitate spiritual engagement is not uncommon. Similarly, activities like hiking, swimming, or planking can help individuals subject their bodies to positions of tranquility, minimizing distractions and fostering spiritual connection. The picture serves as a visual metaphor that predates Christianity, highlighting the neutral and inherent nature of spiritual connection within God’s creation.

The Biblical Context

This issue draws parallels with the early Christian Church community’s discussion on eating meat offered to idols, as clarified by Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:4-13. Ultimately, it is not the external posture or action that defiles, but rather the inner life, mindset, and intentions that determine the righteousness of one’s faith practices.

The lotus pose, when used as a means of disciplining the body to connect with the Divine, can be a valuable tool for Christians. Achieving bodily tranquility through regular exercise and practice enables substantial durations of meditation, prayer, and Scripture reading. By incorporating physical postures like the lotus pose into their spiritual practices, Christians can deepen their connection with God and cultivate a more peaceful state of mind and heart.

The use of the lotus pose as a visual metaphor for spiritual connection should not be a stumbling block for Christians. Rather, it can serve as a reminder of the universal human desire to connect with the Divine and the various means by which we can cultivate this connection. By focusing on the inner life, mindset, and intentions, Christians can navigate the complexities of spiritual practices and traditions, ultimately deepening their relationship with God.

As we continue to explore the complexities of spiritual connection, may we remain mindful of the words of Apostle Paul: “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). May our pursuit of spiritual growth and connection be guided by a deepening relationship with God, rather than external practices or traditions.

Implications for Christian Practice

The discussion surrounding the lotus pose highlights the need for Christians to approach spiritual practices with discernment and nuance. Rather than adopting practices wholesale, Christians should consider the underlying principles and intentions behind each practice. By doing so, we can avoid unnecessary controversy and focus on cultivating a deeper relationship with God.

Furthermore, this discussion underscores the importance of recognizing the universal human desire for spiritual connection. By acknowledging this shared desire, Christians can engage in meaningful dialogue with individuals from diverse spiritual backgrounds, sharing the love and message of Christ in a respectful and compassionate manner.


The lotus pose, as a visual metaphor for spiritual connection, presents a unique opportunity for Christians to reflect on their spiritual practices and traditions. By embracing a nuanced understanding of spiritual connection and recognizing the universal human desire for spiritual growth, Christians can foster a more inclusive and compassionate approach to faith. May we continue to seek God with humility, wisdom, and an open heart, ever mindful of the complexities and nuances of spiritual connection.

Isaac Megbolugbe, Director of GIVA Ministries International, 2024 Marquis Organization’s Class of Top Executives in the United States of America and a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.  He is resident in the United States of America.

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