Reports from Lagos this evening said Mr Steve Nwosu, Editor of Daily Sun newspaper has been shot by yet to be identified persons.
He was said have been on his way to the office when the unfortunate incident occurred.”He was shot on his temple”,said a source who added that ”if the bullet had penetrated further ,it could have been a different story.” Fortunately,Nwosu survived the attack and sources say he is in stable condition in a Lagos hospital.
Nigerian Journalists faced serious threats during the military with the arrest, detention ,disappearance and killing of many.Bagauda Kaltho of Thenews magazine was killed under mysterious circumstances
But the dawn of democracy has not made the situation any better as threats to journalists have remained unabated.Mr Godwin Agbroko, a prominent journalist ,columnist and chairman, editorial board of Thisday was shot dead in Lagos.Bayo Ohu a reporter with Lagos- based The Guardian was also shot.
Recently Enenche Akogwu of Channels TV and Zakariya Isa of the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA)were killed .Akogwu was killed while covering Boko Haram attacks in Kano.Isa was shot in Maiduguri.
Thisday Newspapers’ Abuja office was also bombed a few months ago by Boko Haram, a group that has also warned several newspapers that more attacks were likely.
No one is sure yet who indeed shot Nwosu.But just like the days of the military, it is not yet uhuru for the Nigerian journalist.