Independence: Blacks think whites are immortal, By Adamu Usman


The British who ruled our country (Nigeria) in those days did bad things to our ancestors. They forced our forefathers to join the army, so that they would fight for Braintain when Braintain was in trouble. Our people have not been happy with this. They were made to build beautiful houses for the white men. They paid money called tax in order to feed these white men etc.

After the first world war in 1918, black men stopped being afraid of white men. Before the war, they used to think that white men were spirits and could not die. But during the war, the white people got killed just like black men. This made the black men to disobey the whites.

In 1939, the second war world war started and Nigerian soldiers fought for the British side again. More and more black men felt that the whites were not better than the black men. This is why they started asking the British government to give us our freedom. There were many attempts.

Finally, in May 1957 a meeting was held in London to look at Nigeria’s constitution [a constitution is a look in which the laws of a country are written]

After the meeting in London. Sir, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was appointed to lead the new Nigeria. Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was the first Prime minister of the federal republic of Nigeria. On the 1st October, 1960, Nigeria became free and that is why we have to celebrate Independence Day every October 1st. May God continue to help, protect, unite Nigeria and guide our leaders aright. Amen.

Adamu writes from Kafin-Hausa, Jigawa state.

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