CDD Announces ‘Analysis Centre for the 2015 General Election’


Idayat 600For the real time updates and informed analysis for the March 28th, 2015 Nigerian Presidential election, the Centre for Democracy and Development ( will host Analysis Centre for the election, CDD Director,Idayat Hassan said in a statement.

“The core objective of the Centre is to create a platform for citizens to follow real time updates and monitor the election. The center will bring together renowned legal, political, conflict and election analysts for in-depth and informed analysis. The center will enable local and international media coverage of the elections live updates. And will also be engaging actively in the use of social media for real time updates on the elections.

“The competitive nature of the March 28th 2015 Presidential Election and the rising tensions that have followed at campaign rallies cut across the states calls for a concern. Conflicts and tensions emanating from the election particularly the rising partisanship of Odua People’s Congress (OPC) and the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) militia groups threaten the social order and Nigeria’s democracy. This affirms the need for election updates and citizens’ monitoring of the election becomes most important which is the most crucial aspect of the Analysis Centre.

CDD Director said “The fact that Nigeria is yet to build election competition process where winners and losers accept the results and congratulate the winner and stem their supporters from reactions that could lead to violence confirms the need for the citizens and international community to follow the election update and monitor the process which is one of the core output of the Analysis Centre.

“In Nigeria, election losers, always claim there is deliberate subversion of the electoral result while they seek redress through violence. For instance, the 2011 post-election violence was a reaction of General Buhari’s supporters on the belief that the process was subverted. CDD believes that citizens monitoring of the 2015 election to ensure transparency of the process will surely create atmosphere for peace if the elections results are announced and a winner emerges in a free and fair contest.

“At this stage of Nigeria’s democracy and democratization, citizens must put all necessary efforts to guard and protect it. Therefore it becomes important for all the citizens and the international community to adequately follow updates on the elections.

The statement said “CDD’s Analysis Centre will play a key role in election updates, informed analysis, and allow for citizen’s monitoring of the election. CDD therefore invites the media, citizens and the international community to join her Analysis Centre at the Barcelona Hotels, Blantyre Street, Wuse II, Abuja.

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