The Ekiti Signage and Advertisements Agency is to begin dismantling illegal billboards across the state on Thursday, April 15.Mr Olasunkanmi Onipede, the Director-General of the agency, disclosed this during a news conference in Ado Ekiti.”The agency has given affected owners of the billboards adequate notice and warnings, to either regularise the placement of their billboards or remove them.”Any billboard erected without approval or placed inappropriately, without regards to required guidelines from the agency, would be removed,”
he said.The director-general also urged owners of billboards and signs operating legally but yet to regularise their permits, to do so without further delay, to avoid falling prey of government’s actions.Onipede warned private practitioners, politicians and other stakeholders not to erect billboards in restricted areas such as the Governor’s Office vicinity.He noted that other restricted areas included the Central Business District area adjourning the Chicken Republic to the Ojumose areas and under the Ado Ekiti overhead bridge.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that on Jan. 7, the agency issued a warning to advertisers against the indiscriminate erection of billboards and advised them to ensure strict adherence to specifications and high ethical standards. (NAN)