NYSC Trust Fund Bill: NGO commends Buhari, NASS synergy on youth development


The Empowerment for Unemployed Youths Initiative, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has commended President Muhammadu Buhari’s efforts in promoting youth development in the country.

The Executive Director of the Organisation, Mr Richard Audu who gave the commendation on Thursday at a news conference in Abuja, also commended the National Assembly for considering the NYSC Trust Fund Bill for second reading.

He said that after a critical observation of events under the current administration, it was crystal clear that there was a synergy between the Executive and the Legislature on youth development.

“We have studied events critically and we wish to state that the indices speak positively about the concerted efforts by both arms of government.

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“In ensuring issues that bother on youth development have been granted special attention by both arms of government.

“We are elated with this development. We desire that this fruitful relationship will eventually yield the desired results in no distant time.

“The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari has consistently displayed an unalloyed commitment to addressing issues of national concern, not just youth development issues.

“The National Assembly has in like manner, complimented the efforts of the executive arm of government by ensuring that matters of national concern are without rancour.

“The recent rejigging of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill is indeed a testament that both chambers of the National Assembly remain committed to the sustenance of our nascent democracy,” he said.

Audu also commended the parliament for its commitment to harnessing the potential of the youth in the country.

He said that the deliberation on the floor of the House of Representatives at the second reading of the bill seeking to establish the National Youth Service Trust Fund was a clear example.

He further said that the green chamber was unanimous about the bill which gave hope to the aspirations of the Nigerian youths.

“It indicates that the resolve to initiate policies and implement plans toward addressing youth unemployment in the country has a special place in the Executive and Legislative arms of government.

“We are confident that the NYSC Trust Fund Bill if passed into law, will undoubtedly take over 50 million youths out of the unemployment market within the shortest period.

“We are calling on the relevant committees in the House of Representatives to continue to display the strength of character.

“And the unity of purpose in ensuring the smooth passage of the NYSC Trust Fund bill in the overall interest of the unemployed youths in the country,” he said.

According to Audu, when the bill is passed into law, it will serve as a vehicle for youths in the country to maximise their potential and contribute their quota to the growth and development of the country.

He said that it would strengthen youth commitment to the sustenance of democracy, considering the invaluable role of the youths in national development.

“We, therefore, call on Mr President and the President of the Senate to ensure that NYSC Trust Fund Bill becomes an Act for the good and wellbeing of the suffering Nigerian masses.

“The multiplier effect on the value chain of an enterprising youthful population cannot be overemphasised.

“The Empowerment for Unemployed Youths Initiative is using this occasion to drive home the potent point that the potential returns of capturing the opportunity to engage today’s young people.

“Engaging today’s young people in terms of food security, poverty reduction, employment generation peace and political stability are enormous,” he added.

He urged Nigerians to support the bill, adding that there was the need for all hands to be on deck to ensure that the laudable initiative was given adequate consideration as exhibited by the lower chambers. (NAN)

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