Ningi community in Bauchi tasks govt on project completion


A Ningi Local Government-based community group called ”Partners In Progress Association (PIPA)” has called on the Bauchi state government to hasten the completion of ongoing projects in the area.

A communique  signed by Mohammed Ningi, the chairman of the association, and  made available to newsmen  in Bauchi, on Wednesday, urged the government to fast track the completion of  all development projects in the communities, especially roads.In particular, it called for the completion of the ongoing construction of the Nasaru-Gwam-Arinja and Katangan Warji to Gwaram roads, saying that when completed, the roads would boost the economic activities of the area.

Also, the group called for equal representation  in political appointments by making sure that all positions belonging to the community were restored, especially the appointment of a permanent secretary from the area so as to strike a balance in the positions.The group expressed its appreciation to the administration of Gov. Bala Mohammed for appointing some indigenes of the area into key positions such as  “the appointment of Yahuza Adamu as the Head of the Civil Service”.The association reminded the state government to redeem its campaign promise of dualling the 10km highway  linking Government Secondary School to the School of Health Technology, Ningi.“

We are also calling for the urgent intervention of the state government in rescuing the state-owned College of Administrative and Social Studies, Ningi, from imminent collapse”“

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The School has been battling with deplorable condition in terms of academic excellence and infrastructure”, the association said.The communique also called for the resumption of the fire service and the Federal Road Safety Commission’s (FRSC) operations due to the fact that the area had been adjudged as the second most populated community in the state. (NAN)

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