Evil will never triumph over good..No bomb can gag the Press – NUJ Chapel


The FCT Correspondents’ Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ Abuja has declared that neither bombs nor other evil machinations can gag the press while deploring the attacks on THISDAY, The …SUN and The Moment newspapers simultaneously in Abuja and Kaduna.
Also condoling with the management of the newspapers over the loss of its personnel, chairman of the Chapel, Mr Tony Icheku described the attacks as desperate attempts to gag the press and inhibit the freedom of expression.
He adds that such desperate measure will neither deter journalists nor gag the growing borders of freedom of expression, quest for truth, justice and democracy.
“The character of the Nigerian journalist is that of a sturdy, and passionate quest for freedom of expression, justice, democracy and truth, and so far no force has triumphed over these noble virtues, and never will.
”The Nigerian journalist stands  tall and proud, and will not be cowed by sneaky, cowardly bombers. Even the jackboot, machine guns of dictators wilted before the pens of Nigerian journalists. Thus desperado, faceless bombers will stumble and be snuffed out before the twinkling of an eye.
‘’ We condole with the families of our colleagues who have lost persons, and pray they rest in peace, and console the injured, and also the management of THISDAY, The SUN and The Moment newspapers.’’ Icheku submitted.
The Chapel leader in a press release urged journalists to be vigilant, cautious and courageous as they go about their constitutional responsibilities. ‘’Evil will never triumph over good’’ he affirmed and urged The Federal Government and security agencies to step up its efforts in tackling the menace of terrorism and bombings fast assuming another dimension
He also urged journalists to buy into the insurance facility for journalists instituted by the NUJ

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