PDM throws support for Ebonyi guber candidate


By Gami Tadanyigbe

#TrackNigeria: The National working committee of the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM), after their National Executive council meeting (NEC) held in Abuja on Friday, has resolved to throw their weight and total support behind gubernatorial candidate In Ebonyi State, Chief Ajah Agha Arua.

PDM National Publicity Secretary, Hon. Godwin Onmonya, in a statement on Sunday in Abuja, said the candidate was denied victory in the March 9, 2019 gubernatorial election by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) held in the state.

Onmonya said, the candidate was already in court through the party’s lawyer Micheal Odoh Esq. challenging INEC and the PDP for not featuring the party’s name and logo on the ballot papers and for refusing to allocate result to his party. 

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According to him, the Subpoena signed by the chairman of the tribunal ordering INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmud Yakubu to present all the true certify (CTC) between PDM and INEC, since June 11th 2019 has been technically delayed by INEC Chairman. 

“This proves that our earlier allegations of conspiracy between INEC and PDP to our candidate / party the relevant information to enable the tribunal to finalise their ruling.”

The publicity secretary said that the gubernatorial candidate alleged that INEC in conjunction with PDP technically deleted over four hundred thousand votes he pulled from the election. 

He maintained that the party is requesting the tribunal sitting in Ebonyi State to declare him dully winner of that election or alternatively total cancellation of the election and a re-run election be held.

However, he explained that the National working committee has reaffirmed their total commitment to ensure that the gross injustice melted on their party candidate must be addressed.

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