(File copy of Anyim at a function in his office)
Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF Senator Anyim Pius Anyim on Tuesday received the country self-Assessment Report by the National Steering Committee on the 2nd Peer Review of Nigeria. In his remarks, SGF commended the Chairman and members of the National Steering Committee for successfully completing their assignment, even in the face of challenges.
Anyim said, that Nigeria as one of the champions of NEPAD has continued to show leadership by being one of the first countries to submit itself for a second peer review.
He said that he would ensure that the Report gets to the President immediately, so that it could form part of the documents for handing over to the incoming administration. SGF appealed to members of the Committee to be ready to work with the incoming administration to conclude the remaining steps in the process.
Earlier, the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Ken Nnamani recalled that the Committee was inaugurated on the 14th of June, 2013, with the following terms of reference:
“To perform oversight function on behalf of the National Focal Point on APRM with a view to submitting a credible Periodic Report on Nigeria;
“To liaise with NEPAD Agency and consultants to assess the progress made on the implementation of the National Plan of Action since 2008 and identify and suggest ways of addressing deficits in the areas of focus in the Review Process.
“Determine the zonal arrangement and stakeholders to be engaged by the country Review Mission and ensure effective stakeholders participation in the submission;
“Collaborate with Consultants in Report preparation and submission of the Draft to the National Council of APRM;(and)
“As much as possible, participate in all Consultative activities and sensitization workshops during the Period Review process.
Also, Nnamani explained that following the submission of the country Self-Assessment Report to the Government, Eminent Persons from APRM (African Peer Review Mechanism) would be invited for its own independent assessment, before the Report will be presented to the Council of Heads of Government.
Nnamani, on behalf of the Committee thanked the President for the opportunity to serve the country in that capacity.