The emergence of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as the Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) at the 63rd Ordinary Session of the bloc in Guinea Bissau is a good one for Nigeria as it comes with merits for the country in terms of economic growth, partnerships and investment opportunities. Following his emergence and his understanding of what the issues of today are in the region, stemming from insecurity and insurgency and how it has impeded development as evident in his inaugural speech as the Chairman; and with the solutions he highlighted points to his preparedness.
Having pledged to prioritize political stability, peace and security, regional economic integration and strengthening of the ECOWAS institutions, I do believe that gains in these areas will amount to sustainable progress in the region and particularly in Nigeria. Our country stands to benefit more under his leadership as it would see to Nigeria having upper hand in tackling and nipping in the bud cross boarder crimes and other illegal activities around our boarders as well as foster more collaborations and trade in West Africa.
In line with the SDG goals 16 and 17 that focuses on the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels as well as the strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizIng the global partnership for sustainable development, member states of ECOWAS will definitely seek to align policies with Nigeria to strengthen ties and advance development efforts.

With such partnerships seeing to significantly increase the exports of developing countries; and a view to doubling the least developed countries share of global exports by 2030 and mobilizing additional financial resources. As well as reducing tariffs on goods exported within West Africa such that extra savings from the tariffs can serve as additional resources for developing countries.
With this hindsight, the possible targets are to reduce violence, ensure protection of children and the vulnerable from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence. To promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice as wells as combat organized crime and illicit financial and arms inflow in the region. These can be achieved by strengthening national institutions in Nigeria to prevent violence and combat crime and terrorism; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies which President Tinubu has pledged to do.
Just to set the ball rolling, the President in Ginuea Bissau announced intents to convene an ECOWAS Extra Ordinary Summit on Trade and Investment in October 2023 here in Nigeria to provide opportunity for Member States to showcase their potentials and encourage match-making, in order to evolve business cooperation among the various organized private sector within the region.
Nigeria under Tinubu will play a vital role in the region (ECOWAS) as well as in the African continent, being the largest economy in Africa. Our leadership role in economic integrations at this time is very vital because there are a lot of expectations from Nigeria now more than ever in the history of the country among its peers in Africa.
President Tinubu clearly has the credentials to build Nigeria and as a seasoned politician and an astute administrator, with an enviable track record in governance and leadership, I am confident that he will bring his wealth of experience and expertise to bear on the challenges currently facing the region.