CATAI unveils 2023 Annual Report: Building for Massive Impact, Making a Positive Difference – Na’ im Sulaiman


Navigating through the key activities and accompalishments which provides and portrays the reliable picture, along with the information about milestones and insights into the CATAI performance for the previous year. Dynamic and exciting as it is rapidly expanding profession across northeastern parts of the country, CATAI established a long-lasting positive impact on the ecosystems in which it operates.

CATAI approach in bridging development barriers has triggered initiatives which enables people, communities and students to engage with each other in ways that are more equitable and that contribute to identify small and large changes in policy and practice, this stimulated many communities and organizations to take specific actions of realizing improvements in various aspects of their lives.

Growth recorded in bridging girl-child education and empowering women in peace building skills and business skills is another area CATAI made a significant contribution, having skilling up potentials through access to quality education, it has indeed listened keenly and act upon on the freely-expressed concern from girls students and adolescents affected through the power of collective stories told in their own words; Thus making it easier for women and girl-child students regardless of social strata to enjoy what is most essential in our contemporary society. Via continuous collaboration with national and international nonprofits organizations, public sector entities and private corporations, CATAI has established an inclusive and supportive environment for young women, and without this kind of action, the gap will widen and the barriers that young women and girls experience when transitioning in to the labor force will increase.

Flux of appreciation messages and collaborative encounters popped up from people and organizations via social media platforms expressing their deepest gratitude for continued mentorship and trainings that has shaped both the esteemed parents, young men and women, they feel more equipped as they progress in their chosen careers, certainly, CATAI has set an incredible example in northeastern Nigeria and has played a wonderful headway in removing barriers to education, transforming the society and progressively helping more communities in more profound ways, and the society is still witnessing assistance to the need-based girl students who falls in the gap between orphanages and low-income families. As many countries are struggling to close the gender equality and support girl-child right to access quality education, CATAI remain committed to ensure a fair and inclusive society through the application of health (women health and education).

In her effort to foster an environment that supports and nurtures the entrepreneurial and peace building spirit among the teeming youths, CATAI has conducted series of trainings and multichannel based awareness to cultivate mindsets that embraces creatively and encouraging the youth to fully engage in peace building initiatives and also develop a fearless approach entrepreneurship as a pathway for transitioning to an independent productive adulthoods. Via fostering an environment that values peace building and social entrepreneurship clubs, young people can have the ability to tackle complex challenges of the ever changing world. Through networking and mentorship, CATAI is progressively producing a network of mentors, exploring youth role in peace building, counselors and fellow entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and support society to stay agile and open to change, by being adaptable and innovative capable of seizing new rising opportunities. When young people are encouraged to develop such skills, it’s not only benefits them individually but also has a global impact.

In response to reduce the burden of vulnerable groups and refugees, CATAI provides (basic life materials) and delivered in kind contribution to the affected men and women, and also in partnership with international nonprofits to produce a favorable atmosphere for refugees whom hoped for a better life and better future to ensure that no one left behind.

We are always confident that CATAI will remain a great asset to human race and serve as an excellent resource for improved transparency and social change, may CATAI be blessed with numerous resources that would enable her to continue to impact the current and the upcoming generation.

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